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Editorial Board and External Reviewers
Reviewing and editorial process for the "Journal of Governance and Regulation” involve three main pillars based on the consistent cooperation of the following parties:
Co-editors are responsible for the journal’s standing and position in the academic world, and for the overall scholarly quality of the journal. Co-editors determine the main editorial policies with guidance from the Editorial Board members as needed. Given the international scope and structure of the journal, one of the crucial goals of the Board, and especially of the editors is to generate interest amongst a variety of scholars from a variety of different locations. Co-Editors are assisted by Managing editor who oversees copy editing of papers approved for publication, typesetting, and transmittal of proofs to authors. This editor works closely with authors if an article requires clarifications, regarding the language and formatting issues. The managing editor co-operates with the editor-in-chief to maintain the quality of the journal.
Advisory Board provides to the editorial team their advice with regard to the new topics for commissions, special editions and advising on direction for the journal - giving feedback on past issues and making suggestions for both subject matter and potential authors as well as endorse the journal to authors and readers and encourage colleagues to submit their best work.
Editorial Board is a team of experts in the journal’s field, who takes responsibility to review submitted manuscripts; advise on journal policy and scope; identify topics for special issues, which they may guest edit; attract new authors and submissions. Editorial Board members are selected by the journal’s co-editors. A journal’s Editorial Board can affect its quality, so co-editors consider the following: the location of board members should represent the reach of the journal; board members’ expertise should represent the journal’s scope; representatives should be appointed from key research institutes etc. Paper reviewing in our journal is based on blind peer reviewing, which concerns both Editorial Board Members and External Reviewers.
External Reviewers collaborate with editor in soliciting, selecting, and developing outstanding content for the journal. External reviewers are responsible for the quality, consistency, and impact of our journals in the research community. This is achieved by selecting qualified, independent and experienced reviewers to review the submitted manuscripts, and by efficiently managing the peer-review process.
Co-editors: | |
Eric Pichet | Professor at KEDGE Business School, and independent director of listed companies, France |
Stefano Dell’Atti | Professor of Banking and Finance, University of Bari, Italy |
Ana Lozano-Vivas | Professor of Economic Analysis, University of Malaga, Spain |
Managing editor: | |
Olha Lytvynenko | Virtus Interpress, Ukraine |
Advisory Editors: | |
Georges Dionne | HEC Montreal, Canada |
Carine Girard | Audencia Business School, France |
François Derrien | HEC Paris, France |
Ivo Pezzuto | International School of Management (ISM), France |
Editorial Board Members: | |
Abdullahi Dahir Ahmed | School of Accounting, Information Systems and Supply Chain, RMIT University, Australia |
Adalberto Rangone | University of Perugia, Italy |
Alberto Mazzoleni | University of Brescia, Italy |
Alessandro Benocci | University of Pisa, Italy |
Amine Tarazi | Director of Research Center LAPE, Head of Economics Department, University of Limoges, France |
Andrea Sacco Ginevri | International Telematic University Uninettuno, Italy |
Andreas G. Koutoupis | Department of Accounting and Finance, Technological Educational Institute of Thessaly; Hellenic Open University, Greece |
Andrews Owusu | Derby Business School, University of Derby, UK |
Anna Maria Calce | University Cassino and Southern Lazio, Italy |
Anthony Nwafor | School of Law, University of Venda, South Africa |
Anurag Agnihotri | College of Vocational Studies, University of Delhi, India |
Bertrand Quere | Pierre Mendès France University of Grenoble, France |
Bibhudutta Panda | University of Minnesota Morris, USA |
Branka Mraović | University of Zagreb, Croatia |
Chiung-Ju Huang | Department of Public Finance, College of Business, Feng Chia University, Taiwan |
Christos Kallandranis | University of West Attica, Greece |
Dimitris Charamis | University of West Attica, Greece |
Eduardo Rivera Vicencio | Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain |
Enrico Maria Cervellati | University Guglielmo Marconi, Italy |
Etienne Gebran Harb | ESSCA School of Management, France |
Eva Kostikov | University of Finance and Administration, Czech Republic |
Fakhrul Hasan | Northumbria University, UK |
Francesca Magli | University of Milan, Italy |
Francesca Romana Arduino | LUISS Guido Carli University, Italy |
Francesco De Luca | Department of Business Administration, University “G. d’Annunzio”, Italy |
Gianfranco Vento | University of Studies Guglielmo Marconi, Italy |
Gianluca Mattarocci | University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy |
Giovanni Bronzetti | University of Palermo, Italy |
Gonca Atici | Istanbul University, Turkey |
Guido Giovando | University of Turin, Italy |
Hans Lundberg | Linnaeus University, Sweden |
Ignacio López Domínguez | Complutense University of Madrid, Spain |
José Manuel Dias Lopes | ISEG Lisbon, Portugal |
Keith Harman | Liberty University, USA |
Laurent Cappelletti | CNAM University of Paris, France |
Laura Corazza | University of Turin, Italy |
Loai Ali Alsaid | Coventry University, UK; Beni-Suef University, Egypt |
Magdi El-Bannany | College of Business Administartion, University of Umm Al-Quwain, UAE |
Manuela Lucchese | University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Italy |
Margherita Smarra | Department of Economics, University of Molise, Italy |
Marina Nehme | Faculty of Law, UNSW Law, Australia |
Miia Parnaudeau | ESSCA School of Management, France |
Mohamad Hassan Shahrour | Côte d’Azur University, IAE Nice, GRM, France |
Muhammad Mahboob Ali | Dhaka School of Economics, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh |
Oltiana Muharremi | Leo J. Meehan School of Business, Stonehill College, USA |
Paola Brighi | University of Bologna, Italy |
Paolo Agnese | International Telematic University Uninettuno, Italy |
Pietro Pavone | University of Naples Federico II, Italy |
Sabri Boubaker | EM Normandie Business School, France |
Sameer Alrishani | School of International Business and Management, Seneca College, Canada |
Shab Hundal | JAMK University of Applied Sciences, Jyväskylä, Finland |
Tariq H. Ismail | Cairo University, Egypt |
Þröstur Olaf Sigurjónsson | University of Iceland, Iceland |
Víctor Manuel González Méndez | University of Oviedo, Spain |
Veronica Tibiletti | University of Parma, Italy |
Yan Wang | Nottingham Trent University, UK |
External Reviewers: |
Our network of external reviewers is represented by a group of more than 320 external reviewers of our journals representing more than 60 countries.