Hanken School of Economics: MS in Corporate Governance

Brief Description

To create and enforce proper corporate governance mechanisms in today’s business world there is a need for people with a new type of training. What is required is a thorough background in diverse areas of business economics combined with a genuinely international, multicultural perspective on the problems involved. The Master’s Programme in Corporate Governance at Hanken provides this type of training in the dynamic city of Helsinki.

Global need for better governance

Corporate governance systems are presently under close scrutiny around the globe. A number of recent cases where the governance system has failed have triggered an intensive search for rules and institutions that could prevent similar failures from occurring in the future. Since these rules must be applicable to firms with a global reach the proposals have to be internationally acceptable, and enforceable.

Corporate governance as a field of study is interdisciplinary by nature. All areas of business economics are, at least to some extent, involved. A successful corporate governance system should successfully channel aspirations of experts in these different fields within the organization to the benefit of the organization as a whole.

The masters programme in corporate governance at Hanken is using well known professors from different areas of Business Economics as teachers and to provide individual advise to each programme participant. The programme consists of 90 ECTS credits of compulsory corporate governance studies in different fields of business economics, and a total of 30 ECTS of elective courses from Hanken´s versatile curriculum. These freely selectable courses can be used to further strengthen the student´s all-round knowledge of business economics in areas of specific relevance for corporate governance or e.g. to improve the student’s communication skills in some of Europe’s major languages.


The professors responsible for the mandatory courses in the programme are listed below.

Classes will also be given by other experts in the course subject area. Note that the separate Guest Lecture Series (current information to the right) is part of the programme.

Faculty Staff

Tom Berglund, program coordinator - Economics of Organisation and Information, Corporate Governance - A Synthesis, Methods in Empirical

Research, Master´s Thesis

Contact hour: Wednesday 13.00-14.00, in Economicum, Arkadiagatan 7.

e-mail: tom.berglund (at) hanken.fi

Martin Lindell - Strategic Management

e-mail: martin.lindell (at) hanken.fi

Timo Korkeamäki - Corporate Finance

e-mail: anders.loflund (at) hanken.fi

Petri Mäntysaari - Comparative Corporate Governance

e-mail: petri.mantysaari (at) hanken.fi

Rune Stenbacka - Economics of Strategy

e-mail: rune.stenbacka (at) hanken.fi

Anders Tallberg - Financial Statement Analysis and Valuation

e-mail: anders.tallberg (at) hanken.fi


Henrik Keinonen, program assistant, e-mail: henrik.keinonen (at) hanken.fi, mobile phone: +358-400 625 761.

Contact by appointment at the Department of Law on the 5th floor
(Hanken’s main building, the wing towards Runeberginkatu)

Gabriel Mastico, Student recruitment officer, e-mail: gabriel.mastico (at) hanken.fi.

Read more on the course homepage.