CG repository

Corporate Governance Experts Global Repository was launched by the publishing house "Virtus Interpress" and Virtus Global Center for Corporate Governance.

During many year of work in the field of corporate governance we’ve united our partners and friends into a small network by the Virtus Global Center for Corporate Governance. But with time network is becoming larges and scope of expertise covered by researchers we work is growing continuously. With current project we want to unite experts in corporate governance globally. We hope this will enhance international cooperation directed on solving pressing issues of corporate governance. Our informal network covers thousands of experts in more than 80 countries. By collecting their profiles we formalize our global network to let corporate governance experts be a part of the international group of scholars with similar research interests. We believe that this will encourage international cooperation because now it will be easier to find coauthors or partners for the research teams or hire a professional on the vacant position at the university or company.

The Corporate Governance Experts Global Repository will give many benefits for experts introduced:

  • More citations of papers of the experts
  • Comfortable platform for universities to search for the new faculty
  • Comfortable platform for the experts to search for new positions
  • Easy way to find the most appropriate groups for joint research projects
  • Very effective way to introduce himself to the global CG research community

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