Participation of Virtus Interpress in the IRMBAM 2016

On the 11th and 12th of July representatives of the Virtus Global Center for Corporate Governance and publishing house “Virtus Interpress” took part in the 7th International Research Meeting in Business and Management (IRMBAM-2016) that happened in Nice, France.

Prof. Alexander Kostyuk took part in the conference as organizer and chair of the Special Session on Corporate Governance at IRMBAM. Journal Corporate Ownership and Control under editorship of Prof. Kostyuk is also one of the official journals of the conference where participants were able to submit their papers to be published in the special issue (for queries about the special issue please contact us at alex_kostyuk [at] Dr. Yaroslav Mozghovyi was represented at the conference as an assistant of Prof. Kostyuk and a discussant to one of the presenters.

The conference gathered numerous experts in the fields of management and business from many countries and institutions. Special session on corporate governance attracted, in particular, scholars (as presenters, discussants and attendees) from Germany, Netherlands, Argentina, South Africa, Luxembourg, Ukraine, Scotland, Lebanon, France, Italy etc. During the session participants discussed such issues as ownership structure and investment-cash flow sensitivity, benchmarking CEO compensation, corporate governance in Lebanon, CG in the real estate sectors in Germany, UAE and Netherlands as well as governance of intellectual capital. Team of Virtus Interpress visited other sessions of the conference taking part in the discussions.

During the conference Prof. Kostyuk and Dr. Mozghovyi had an opportunity to held negotiations about possible cooperation with Prof. Duc Khuong Nguyen, one of the chairs of the conference (IPAG Business School, France) and Prof. Sabri Boubaker (Champagne School of Management & IRG, University of Paris-Est, France). During these meetings important issues of potential cooperation were discussed. In particular the agreement was reached to enlarge participation of VGCCG in the IRMBAM next year. The whole track or even a workshop devoted to corporate governance issues will be arranged in Nice next July with the organizational participation of Virtus Interpress. Several other directions of cooperation in research and publishing were discussed and will be implemented during the next year.
We are grateful to the members of our network who came to Nice to participate in the conference. We hope to meet you at our next events in Leipzig and Paris next November.

Pictures from the session and the conference are available at our flickr page here.

It happened so that the conference was followed by tragic events in Nice that horrified the whole civilized world. We would like to express our sincerest grief and condolence to the families and friends of the victims of this tragedy and to the research communities of the region.