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Simona Franzoni ORCID logo


The ability to assert the ethical and entrepreneurial values in a strong and shared manner, on the level of corporate governance and organisation, is therefore a critical element for the purpose of obtaining consensus and the optimisation of enterprise performance. For these reason, monitoring the corporate culture through the identification of indicators enables us to measure the processes of change underway in an organisation and may enable us to prevent the persistence of bad management.
The introduction of a model to measure corporate culture has therefore become necessary, both in terms of defining and representing the intangible asset, with a view to controlling management to ensure the effective orientation of behaviour, to achieve the enterprise purposes and stakeholders’ consensus.

Keywords: Corporate Culture, Indicators, Ethical Values, Entrepreneurial Values

How to cite this paper: Franzoni, S. (2013). Measuring corporate culture. Corporate Ownership & Control, 10(4-3), 308-316.