Board of Directors: A Review of Practices and Empirical Research

Publishing house Virtus Interpress introduces a book focused on the main issues of corporate governance, the duties and functioning of boards of directors, titled "Board of Directors: A Review of Practices and Empirical Research".
- ISBN: 978-617-7309-16-0
- Edited by: Stefano Dell’Atti, Montserrat Manzaneque, Shab Hundal
- Number of pages: 198
- Published: 2020
- Cover: hardcover/ebook
How to cite: Dell’Atti, S., Manzaneque, M., & Hundal, S. (Eds.). (2020). Board of directors: A review of practices and empirical research. Sumy, Ukraine: Virtus Interpress.
Synopsis: The book "Board of directors: A review of practices and empirical research" is a collection of papers, which attempts to fill in several research gaps existing in the extant literature. In recent decades, the duties and functioning of boards of directors have become embedded in the continuous debate on corporate governance systems by a combination of theoretical perspectives and empirical research. Consequently, areas of growing interest for scholars and operators are the relationship between boards and strategy, corporate social responsibility, performance stability, and risk disclosure. The book "Board of directors: A review of practices and empirical research" is a serious attempt to encourage researchers in the discipline of corporate governance to further expand and explore the aforesaid research themes in diverse institutional settings. This book addresses the impact of board of directors’ practices in several different settings. In doing so, provides a strong insight into the issue from different empirical testing for national contexts. Scholars contributed to this book, provide insight into the issue board of directors’ impact on disclosure practices, payout policies, the sustainability of the firm, and firm performance.
Price of the book: Euro 96 (shipment included).
- Euro 96 (printed version/shipment included)
- Euro 35 (ebook)
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Preface List of editors and contributors Contents Sample chapter 8 Order formAmount: 96 EUR
Amount: 35 EUR