International network of Editors

International network of Editors of Virtus Interpress journals and books is represented by reputable scholars in the field of corporate governance and related fields.

International network of Editors of the books published and under publishing now is represented by 21 scholars from the USA, UK, Japan, Italy, Taiwan, Argentina, South Africa, UAE, Jordan, Ukraine, etc. Full description of the book Editors network is here.

International network of Editors involved in editing and reviewing the journals published by Virtus Interpress is comprised of more than 190 scholars from more than 50 countries including the USA, UK, Germany, France, Italy, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Spain, Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, Japan, China, South Korea, UAE, Egypt, Jordan, Turkey, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, Argentina, etc.

Full info about Editors of our journals is on the following pages:

- Corporate Ownership and Control;
- Corporate Board journal;
- Risk Governance and Control journal;
- Journal of Governance and Regulation;
- Corporate Governance and Sustainability Review;
- Corporate Governance and Organizational Behavior Review;
- Corporate Law & Governance Review;
- Corporate & Business Strategy Review;
- Business Performance Review;
- Reporting and Accountability Review.

Twenty of them perform the functions of Co-Editors-in-Chief of our nine journals:

  1. Dr. Maclyn Clouse, Reiman School of Finance, Daniels College of Business, University of Denver (USA), Co-Editor-in-Chief, Corporate Ownership and Control;
  2. Dr. Marco Tutino, Department of Business Studies, Roma Tre University (Italy), Co-Editor-in-Chief, Corporate Ownership and Control;
  3. Dr. Raef Gouiaa, Department of Accounting Sciences, University of Quebec in Outaouais (Canada), Co-Editor-in-Chief, Corporate Ownership and Control;
  4. Dr. Giovanna Mariani, University of Pisa (Italy), Co-Editor-in-Chief, Risk Governance and Control journal;
  5. Dr. Themistokles Lazarides, Thessaly University of Applied Sciences (Greece), Co-Editor-in-Chief, Risk Governance and Control journal;
  6. Dr. Nicola Moscariello, University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli” (Italy), Co-Editor-in-Chief, Corporate Board journal;
  7. Dr. Sabri Boubaker, South Champagne Business School (France), Co-Editor-in-Chief, Corporate Board journal;
  8. Dr. Eric Pichet, KEDGE Business School (France), Co-Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Governance and Regulation;
  9. Dr. Stefano Dell’Atti, University of Foggia (Italy), Co-Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Governance and Regulation;
  10. Dr. Ana Lozano-Vivas, University of Malaga (Spain), Co-Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Governance and Regulation;
  11. Dr. Salvatore Esposito De Falco, Sapienza University of Rome (Italy), Co-Editor-in-Chief, Corporate Governance and Organizational Behavior Review;
  12. Dr. Sudip Datta, Wayne State University (USA), Co-Editor-in-Chief, Corporate Governance and Organizational Behavior Review;
  13. Dr. Cesario Mateus, Roehampton Business School, University of Roehampton (UK), Co-Editor-in-Chief, Corporate Governance and Sustainability Review;
  14. Dr. Mauro Romano, University of Foggia (Italy), Co-Editor-in-Chief, Corporate Governance and Sustainability Review;
  15. Dr. Gianfranco Vento, Regent’s University London (UK), Co-Editor-in-Chief, Corporate Law & Governance Review;
  16. Dr. Roberto Moro Visconti, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (Italy), Co-Editor-in-Chief, Corporate Law & Governance Review;
  17. Dr. Mark Rix, University of Wollongong (Australia), Co-Editor-in-Chief, Corporate & Business Strategy Review;
  18. Dr. Beatrice Orlando, Sapienza University of Rome (Italy), Co-Editor-in-Chief, Corporate & Business Strategy Review;
  19. -Dr. Ahmed El-Masry, Coventry University, (UK), Co-Editor-in-Chief, Business Performance Review;
  20. -Dr. Antonio Corvino, University of Foggia (Italy), Co-Editor-in-Chief, Business Performance Review.

Our network of external reviewers is represented by a group of more than 320 external reviewers of our journals representing more than 60 countries.