Editorial Board

Reviewing and editorial process for the journal “Business Performance Review” involve two main pillars based on the consistent cooperation of the following parties:

Co-Editors-in-Chief are responsible for the journal’s standing and position in the academic world, and for the overall scholarly quality of the journal. They determine the main editorial policies with guidance from the Editorial Board members as needed. Given the international scope and structure of the journal, one of the crucial goals of the Board, and especially of the Co-editors will be to generate interest amongst a variety of scholars from a variety of different locations. The journal policy is guided by two Editors-in-Chief because of the growing challenging issues related to the scope of the journal and its international scope. Co-Editors-in-Chief are assisted by Managing editor who oversees copy editing of papers approved for publication, typesetting, and transmittal of proofs to authors. This editor works closely with authors if an article requires clarifications, regarding the language and formatting issues. The managing editor co-operates with the editor-in-chief to maintain the quality of the journal.

Editorial Board is a team of experts in the journal’s field, who takes responsibility to review submitted manuscripts; advise on journal policy and scope; identify topics for special issues, which they may guest edit; attract new authors and submissions. Editorial Board members are selected by the journal’s co-editors. A journal’s Editorial Board can affect its quality, so co-editors consider the following: the location of board members should represent the reach of the journal; board members’ expertise should represent the journal’s scope; representatives should be appointed from key research institutes etc. Paper reviewing in our journal is based on blind peer reviewing.

Ahmed El-Masry Coventry University, UK
Antonio Corvino University of Foggia, Italy
Managing editor:
Daryna Chorna Virtus Interpress, Ukraine
Editorial Board Members:
Ahu Genis-Gruber Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Austria
Alicja Brodzka Wroclaw University of Economics, Poland
Dag Øivind Madsen University of South-Eastern Norway, Norway
Fadi Alkaraan University of Lincoln, UK
Francesco Venuti ESCP Business School, Italy
Gary Caton Montana State University, USA
Gonca Atici Istanbul University, Türkiye
Harvey Nguyen Massey University, New Zealand
Jelena Erić Nielsen University of Kragujevac, Serbia
Jimmy Agustin Saravia Matus University EAFIT, Colombia
Mark McKnight University of Southern Indiana, USA
Mark Rix University of Wollongong, Australia
Michail Pazarskis International Hellenic University, Greece
Patrick Ulrich Aalen University, Germany
Shab Hundal JAMK University of Applied Sciences, Finland
Stefano Bozzi Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Italy
Sung S. Kwon York University, Canada
Sylvie Berthelot University of Sherbrooke, Canada
Veronika Fenyves University of Debrecen, Hungary