
Corporate governance: Scholarly research and practice/Conference proceedings
Publishing House Virtus Interpress releases conference proceedings titled "Corporate governance: Scholarly research and practice" devoted to relevant issues, challenges and practices of the corporate governance.
- ISBN: 978-617-7309-32-0
- DOI: 10.22495/cgsrap
- Edited by: Michail Pazarskis, Alexander Kostyuk, Valentina Santolamazza, Paolo Capuano
- Number of pages: 166
- Published: 2025
- Cover: paperback/ebook
Synopsis: The conference proceedings book "Corporate governance: Scholarly research and practice" offers research abstracts, which investigate current ideas, relevant issues, challenges and practices of the corporate governance. The presented studies focus on a range of crucial topics, such as board of directors’ practices, firm performance, family governance, gender diversity, sustainability, corporate social responsibility, ESG issues, accounting, auditing, banking, taxation, mergers and acquisitions, innovation, artificial intelligence, etc. The proceedings contain not only materials of the conference presenters but also a full list of comments generated by the conference participants during the forum discussion. More than 55 scholars from 16 countries of the world presented their conference papers; 30 scholars took an active part in the conference forum discussion and provided more than 180 comments with a deep analysis of the materials presented at the conference. At the end of the book, a set of infographics provides very useful statistics about the conference forum.
How to cite: Pazarskis, M., Kostyuk, A., Santolamazza, V., & Capuano, P. (Eds.). (2025). Corporate governance: Scholarly research and practice. Virtus Interpress.
Contents Preface Infographics Conference Index Complete PDF file of the book
Corporate governance: Research and advanced practices/Conference proceedings
Publishing House Virtus Interpress releases conference proceedings titled "Corporate governance: Research and advanced practices" devoted to current issues and advanced practices of the modern corporate governance.
- ISBN: 978-617-7309-29-0
- DOI: 10.22495/cgrap
- Edited by: Živilė Stankevičiūtė, Alexander Kostyuk, Marco Venuti, Patrick Ulrich
- Number of pages: 236
- Published: 2024
- Cover: paperback/ebook
Synopsis: The conference proceedings book "Corporate governance: Research and advanced practices" proposes research abstracts that explore ideas on current issues and advanced practices of modern corporate governance. The conference studies analyze such crucial and relevant issues as board of directors’ practices, accounting, auditing, firm performance, ESG issues, sustainability, risk management, earnings management, ownership structure, banking, digitalization, artificial intelligence, etc. These discussions contribute to advancing the literature on the topic and serve as key elements for entrepreneurs who strive to keep their companies competitive and innovative in the current global market. The proceedings contain not only materials of the conference presenters but also a full list of comments generated by the conference participants during the forum discussion. More than 50 scholars from 18 countries of the world presented their conference papers. More than 40 scholars took an active part in the conference forum discussion and provided about 260 comments with a deep analysis of the materials presented at the conference. At the end of the book, a set of infographics provides very useful statistics about the conference forum.
How to cite: Stankevičiūtė, Ž., Kostyuk, A., Venuti, M., & Ulrich, P. (Eds.). (2024). Corporate governance: Research and advanced practices. Virtus Interpress.
Contents Preface Infographics Conference Index Complete PDF file of the book
Corporate governance: Participants, mechanisms and performance/Conference proceedings
Publishing House Virtus Interpress releases conference proceedings titled "Corporate governance: Participants, mechanisms and performance" dedicated to new trends that are currently shaping the concept of modern corporate governance.
- ISBN: 978-617-7309-25-2
- DOI: 10.22495/cgpmp
- Edited by: Throstur Olaf Sigurjonsson, Alexander Kostyuk, Dmytro Govorun
- Number of pages: 175
- Published: 2024
- Cover: paperback/ebook
Synopsis: The conference proceedings book "Corporate governance: Participants, mechanisms and performance" presents research abstracts dedicated to the new trends, participants, and mechanisms that are forming the concept of modern corporate governance. The conference abstracts investigate, among others, such issues as board of directors practices, accounting, auditing, corporate ownership and control, banking, ESG, corporate social responsibility, sustainability, earnings management, economic growth, digitalization, artificial intelligence, innovation, etc. The conference participants point out that the corporate governance landscape has continuously evolved, and new perspectives and challenges have emerged; some of them have become general trends, while others are likely to continue to shape corporate governance in the near future. The proceedings contain not only materials of the conference presenters but also a full list of comments generated by the conference participants during the forum discussion. More than 55 scholars from 16 countries of the world presented their conference papers. More than 35 scholars took an active part in the conference forum discussion and provided about 250 comments with a deep analysis of the materials presented at the conference. At the end of the book, a set of infographics provides very useful statistics about the conference forum.
How to cite: Sigurjonsson, T. O., Kostyuk, A., & Govorun, D. (Eds.). (2024). Corporate governance: Participants, mechanisms and performance. Virtus Interpress.
Contents Preface Infographics Conference Index Complete PDF file of the book
New outlooks for the scholarly research in corporate governance/Conference proceedings
Publishing House Virtus Interpress releases conference proceedings titled "New outlooks for the scholarly research in corporate governance" devoted to the new tendencies and outlooks of current corporate governance scholarly research.
- ISBN: 978-617-7309-23-8
- DOI: 10.22495/nosrcg
- Edited by: Marco Tutino, Valentina Santolamazza, Alexander Kostyuk
- Number of pages: 189
- Published: 2023
- Cover: paperback/ebook
Synopsis: The conference proceedings book "New outlooks for the scholarly research in corporate governance" proposes research abstracts that investigate a wide variety of issues on new tendencies and outlooks of current corporate governance. The conference abstracts study, in particular, board of directors issues, accounting, auditing and financial reporting topics, ESG, corporate social responsibility, sustainability, investments, artificial intelligence, digitalization and innovation, etc. These discussions not only contribute to advancing the literature on the topic but also serve as key elements for entrepreneurs who strive to keep their companies competitive in the global market, which is increasingly digital and sustainable. The proceedings contain not only materials of the conference presenters but also a full list of comments generated by the conference participants during the forum discussion. More than 50 scholars from 15 countries of the world presented their conference papers. The conference forum discussion contains more than 200 comments with a deep analysis of the materials presented at the conference. At the end of the book, a set of infographics provides very useful statistics about the conference forum.
How to cite: Tutino, M., Santolamazza, V., & Kostyuk, A. (Eds.). (2023). New outlooks for the scholarly research in corporate governance. Virtus Interpress.
Contents Preface Infographics Conference Index Complete PDF file of the book
Corporate governance: An interdisciplinary outlook/Conference proceedings
Publishing House Virtus Interpress releases conference proceedings titled "Corporate governance: An interdisciplinary outlook" devoted to the new trends that are currently shaping the concept of modern corporate governance.
- ISBN: 978-617-7309-22-1
- DOI: 10.22495/cgaio
- Edited by: Erik Karger, Alexander Kostyuk
- Number of pages: 180
- Published: 2023
- Cover: paperback/ebook
Synopsis: The conference proceedings book "Corporate governance: An interdisciplinary outlook" presents studies devoted to the interdisciplinary approach to new trends that are currently shaping the concept of modern corporate governance. The conference abstracts cover a lot of issues, among others, board of directors, board diversity, financial performance, ownership, banking, finances, earnings management, accounting, audit, ESG, sustainability, taxes, digitalization, innovation, etc. The participants emphasize the ongoing trend of digitalization and the relationship between corporate governance and digital trends and technologies that is likely to be a research field of growing importance and relevance in the future. The proceedings contain not only materials of the conference presenters but also a full list of comments generated by the conference participants during the forum discussion. More than 40 scholars from 14 countries of the world took an active part in the conference forum discussion and provided more than 170 comments with a deep analysis of the materials presented at the conference. At the end of the book, a set of infographics provides very useful statistics about the conference forum.
How to cite: Karger, E., & Kostyuk, A. (Eds.). (2023). Corporate governance: An interdisciplinary outlook. Virtus Interpress.
Contents Preface Infographics Complete PDF file of the book Conference Index
Corporate governance: Theory and practice/Conference proceedings
Publishing House Virtus Interpress releases conference proceedings titled "Corporate governance: Theory and practice" devoted to the crucial theoretical and practical issues of current corporate governance.
- ISBN: 978-617-7309-21-4
- DOI: 10.22495/cgtap
- Edited by: Guido Max Mantovani, Alexander Kostyuk, Dmytro Govorun
- Number of pages: 187
- Published: 2022
- Cover: paperback/ebook
Synopsis: The conference proceedings book "Corporate governance: Theory and practice" focuses on the crucial theoretical and practical issues of current corporate governance. The presented conference materials investigate a variety of topics, including board of directors practice, gender diversity, CEO and directors’ remuneration, auditing and accounting, reporting and disclosure, family firm governance, mergers and acquisitions, sustainability, investments, earnings management, bank performance, finances, risk management, blockchain governance, etc. This conference proceedings book is a cornerstone to depict the state of the art on these critical topics. The proceedings contain not only materials of the conference presenters but also a full list of comments generated by the conference participants during the forum discussion. 40 scholars from 14 countries of the world took an active part in the conference forum discussion and provided more than 240 comments with a deep analysis of the materials presented at the conference. At the end of the book, a set of infographics provides very useful statistics about the conference forum.
How to cite: Mantovani, G. M., Kostyuk, A., & Govorun, D. (Eds.). (2022). Corporate governance: Theory and practice.
Contents Preface Infographics Conference Index Complete PDF file of the book
Corporate governance: Fundamental and challenging issues in scholarly research/Conference proceedings
Publishing House Virtus Interpress releases conference proceedings titled "Corporate governance: Fundamental and challenging issues in scholarly research" devoted to the recent crucial issues of corporate governance and possible scenarios of its development.
- ISBN: 978-617-7309-20-7
- DOI: 10.22495/cgfcisr
- Edited by: Karen M. Hogan, Alexander Kostyuk
- Number of pages: 162
- Published: 2021
- Cover: paperback/ebook
Synopsis: The conference proceedings book "Corporate governance: Fundamental and challenging issues in scholarly research" discusses the most recent crucial issues of corporate governance and outlines possible scenarios of its development. The conference materials provide analysis of such topics, as board of directors theory and practices, gender diversity, earnings management, financial issues of corporate governance, banking, firm performance, accounting, auditing, stock markets, ownership structure and disclosure, cryptocurrency issues, etc. These new-found fields will sow the research agendas for the future of corporate governance. This conference proceedings book contains not only materials of the conference presenters but also a full list of comments generated by the conference participants during the forum discussion. The conference forum united the ideas of more than 40 scholars from more than 15 countries of the world who participated with their comments delivering more value to the research presented at the conference. At the end of the book, a set of infographics provides very useful statistics about the conference forum.
How to cite: Hogan, K. M., & Kostyuk, A. (Eds.). (2021). Corporate governance: Fundamental and challenging issues in scholarly research.
Contents Preface Infographics Complete PDF file of the book Conference Index
Corporate governance: A search for emerging trends in the pandemic times/Conference proceedings
Publishing House Virtus Interpress releases conference proceedings titled "Corporate governance: A search for emerging trends in the pandemic times" focused on a broad range of crucial issues of corporate governance, in particular, on the emerging corporate governance trends in the context of the worldwide pandemic.
- ISBN: 978-617-7309-18-4
- DOI: 10.22495/cgsetpt
- Edited by: Shab Hundal, Alexander Kostyuk, Dmytro Govorun
- Number of pages: 186
- Published: 2021
- Cover: paperback/ebook
Synopsis: The conference proceedings book "Corporate governance: A search for emerging trends in the pandemic times" presents, discusses and shares the most recent ideas in the corporate governance research. The discussed topics include, among others, corporate governance, state-owned enterprises, information governance, board of directors practice, accounting, audit, Islamic banks, risks regulation, IT governance, digitalization, family businesses, ownership structure, data governance, artificial intelligence technologies, capital markets, financial reporting, internationalization, performance, gender diversity, etc. Such sort of joint efforts of scholars is a bridge to the new horizons in corporate governance research, especially in the time of the pandemic. This conference proceedings book contains not only materials of the conference presenters but also a full list of comments generated by the conference participants during the forum discussion. More than 30 scholars from more than 12 countries of the world took an active part in the conference forum discussion and provided more than 150 comments with a deep analysis of the materials presented at the conference. At the end of the book a set of infographics provides very useful statistics about the conference forum.
How to cite: Hundal, S., Kostyuk, A., & Govorun, D. (Eds.). (2021). Corporate governance: A search for emerging trends in the pandemic times.
Contents Preface Infographics Conference Index Complete PDF file of the book
Corporate Governance: Theoretical Essentials and International Practices
Publishing house Virtus Interpress introduces a textbook focused on the main issues of corporate governance titled "Corporate Governance: Theoretical Essentials and International Practices".
- ISBN: 978-617-7309-17-7
- Authors: Aws AlHares, Naser Ibrahim Abumustafa
- Number of pages: 122
- Published: 2021
- Cover: hardcover/ebook
How to cite: AlHares, A., & Abumustafa, N. I. (2021). Corporate governance: Theoretical essentials and international practices. Sumy, Ukraine: Virtus Interpress.
Preface Contents References Index Order formAmount: 82 EUR
Amount: 30 EUR

Board of Directors: A Review of Practices and Empirical Research
Publishing house Virtus Interpress introduces a book focused on the main issues of corporate governance, the duties and functioning of boards of directors, titled "Board of Directors: A Review of Practices and Empirical Research".
- ISBN: 978-617-7309-16-0
- Edited by: Stefano Dell’Atti, Montserrat Manzaneque, Shab Hundal
- Number of pages: 198
- Published: 2020
- Cover: hardcover/ebook
How to cite: Dell’Atti, S., Manzaneque, M., & Hundal, S. (Eds.). (2020). Board of directors: A review of practices and empirical research. Sumy, Ukraine: Virtus Interpress.
Preface List of editors and contributors Contents Sample chapter 8 Order formAmount: 96 EUR
Amount: 35 EUR

Innovation in Financial Restructuring: Focus on Signals, Processes and Tools
Publishing house Virtus Interpress introduces a book focused on the financial restructuring innovation, titled "Innovation in Financial Restructuring: Focus on Signals, Processes and Tools".
- ISBN: 978-6-177309-10-8
- Authors: Marco Tutino, Valerio Ranciaro
- Number of pages: 131
- Published: 2020
- Cover: hardcover/ebook
How to cite: Tutino, M., & Ranciaro, V. (2020). Innovation in financial restructuring: Focus on signals, processes and tools. Sumy, Ukraine: Virtus Interpress.
Contents Foreword Sample chapter Order formAmount: 62 EUR
Amount: 32 EUR

Corporate governance: An interdisciplinary outlook in the wake of pandemic/Conference proceedings
Publishing House Virtus Interpress releases conference proceedings titled "Corporate governance: An interdisciplinary outlook in the wake of pandemic" focused on the variety of corporate governance issues under conditions of pandemic, such as board of directors issues, accountability, sustainability, corporate governance in family firms, financial issues of corporate governance, general issues of corporate governance, etc.
- ISBN: 978-617-7309-14-6
- DOI: 10.22495/cgiowp
- Edited by: Stefania Sylos Labini, Alexander Kostyuk, Dmytro Govorun
- Number of pages: 190
- Published: 2020
- Cover: paperback/ebook
How to cite: Sylos Labini, S., Kostyuk, A., & Govorun, D. (Eds.). (2020). Corporate governance: An interdisciplinary outlook in the wake of pandemic.
Contents Preface Infographics Conference Index Complete PDF file of the book
Corporate governance: Examining key challenges and perspectives/Conference proceedings
Publishing house Virtus Interpress introduces conference proceedings titled "Corporate governance: Examining key challenges and perspectives" focused on the variety of corporate governance issues, such as board of directors, ownership structures, accounting, auditing and taxation, general issues of corporate governance, etc.
- ISBN: 978-617-7309-12-2
- DOI: 10.22495/cgekcp
- Edited by: Alexander Kostyuk, Maria João Coelho Guedes, Dmytro Govorun
- Number of pages: 254
- Published: 2020
- Cover: paperback/ebook
How to cite: Kostyuk, A., Guedes, M. J. C., & Govorun, D. (Eds.). (2020). Corporate governance: Examining key challenges and perspectives.
Contents Preface Infographics Conference index Complete PDF file of the book
Challenges and Opportunities in Italian Corporate Governance
Publishing house Virtus Interpress introduces a book focused on the main issues of Italian corporate governance and its fundamental aspects, titled "Challenges and Opportunities in Italian Corporate Governance".
- ISBN: 978-617-7309-07-8
- Edited by: Salvatore Esposito De Falco, Federico Alvino, Nicola Cucari, Luigi Lepore
- Number of pages: 299
- Published: 2019
- Cover: hardcover/ebook
How to cite: Esposito De Falco, S., Alvino, F., Cucari, N., & Lepore, L. (Eds.). (2019). Challenges and opportunities in Italian corporate governance. Sumy, Ukraine: Virtus Interpress.
Preface List of editors and contributors Contents Sample chapter Order form Sample chapterAmount: 98 EUR
Amount: 38 EUR

Corporate Ownership and Control: International Trends
Publishing house Virtus Interpress introduces a book focused on the national peculiarities of corporate ownership and control in various countries, titled "Corporate Ownership and Control: International Trends".
- ISBN: 978-617-7309-06-1
- Edited by: Alexander N. Kostyuk, Marco Tutino, Stefan Prigge
- Number of pages: 168
- Published: 2019
- Cover: hardcover/ebook
How to cite: Kostyuk, A. N., Tutino, M., & Prigge, S. (Eds.). (2019). Corporate ownership and control: International trends. Sumy, Ukraine: Virtus Interpress.
Foreword Contents Sample chapter Order form List of editors and contributorsAmount: 92 EUR
Amount: 35 EUR

New challenges in corporate governance: Theory and practice/Conference proceedings
Publishing house Virtus Interpress introduces a conference proceedings focused on the variety of crucial issues of corporate governance, i.e. corporate ownership and control, firm performance, earnings management, audit, banking, corporate social responsibility and compliance, etc., titled “New Challenges in Corporate Governance: Theory and Practice”.
- ISBN: 978-617-7309-08-5
- Edited by: Prof. Salvatore Esposito De Falco, Prof. Federico Alvino, Prof. Alexander Kostyuk
- Number of pages: 463
- Published: 2019
- Cover: paperback
Synopsis: The aim of the conference was to move the field closer to a global theory by advancing our understanding of corporate governance, which combines insights from the literature on firm governance bundles with insights from the national governance systems literature, investigating new perspectives and challenges for corporate governance and outlining possible scenarios of its development. Therefore, we encouraged governance scholars to analyse these issues both theoretically and empirically in the context of corporate governance. A total of 110 co-authors (representing 15 countries) contributed to this conference proceedings.
How to order: You can either pay online with the credit card, using "Order Now" button or contact us by the e-mail indicating the book you want to order and the number of copies of the book. We will send you the invoice in reply.
How to cite: Esposito De Falco, S., Alvino, F., & Kostyuk, A. (Eds.). (2019). New challenges in corporate governance: Theory and practice. Sumy, Ukraine: Virtus Interpress.
Click the link above to access conference papers.
Editorial Conference Editorial Committee ContentsAmount: 38 EUR

Corporate governance: Search for the advanced practices/Conference proceedings
Publishing house Virtus Interpress introduces a conference proceedings focused on the variety of crucial issues of corporate governance, i.e. corporate ownership and control, earnings management, audit, corporate social responsibility and compliance, etc., titled "Corporate governance: Search for the advanced practices".
- ISBN: 978-617-7309-05-4
- Edited by: Dr. Alexander Kostyuk, Dr. Marco Tutino
- Number of pages: 337
- Published: 2019
- Cover: paperback
Synopsis: A scholarly contribution to the fundamentals of corporate governance has been made by authors of these proceedings through cross-cultural analysis of corporate governance mechanisms and cross-disciplinary research related to corporate governance. A total of 86 co-authors (representing 22 countries) contributed to this conference proceedings.
How to cite: Kostyuk, A., & Tutino, M. (Eds.). (2019). Corporate governance: Search for the advanced practices. Sumy, Ukraine: Virtus Interpress.
Click the link above to access conference papers.

Board of Directors and Company Performance: An International Outlook
The book "Board of Directors and Company Performance: An International Outlook" published by Virtus Interpress examines the corporate governance systems in eleven countries with particular emphasis on board of directors practices.
- ISBN: 978-617-7309-04-7
- Edited by: William Megginson, Pablo de Andres, Marina Brogi, Dmitriy Govorun
- Number of pages: 283
- Published: 2019
- Cover: hardcover
How to cite: Megginson, W., de Andres, P., Brogi, M., & Govorun, D. (Eds.). (2019). Board of directors and company performance: An international outlook. Sumy, Ukraine: Virtus Interpress.
Foreword Contents Sample Chapter Order Form List of editors and contributorsAmount: 94 EUR

Corporate Governance in Arab Countries: Specifics & Outlooks
Publishing house Virtus Interpress introduces a book focused on the peculiarities of the national approaches to corporate governance in Arab countries, titled "Corporate Governance in Arab Countries: Specifics & Outlooks".
- ISBN: 978-617-7309-01-6
- Edited by: Dima Jamali, Virginia Bodolica, Yulia Lapina
- Number of pages: 220
- Published: 2018
- Cover: hardcover/ebook
How to cite: Jamali, D., Bodolica, V., & Lapina, Y. (Eds.). (2018). Corporate governance in Arab countries: Specifics & outlooks. Sumy, Ukraine: Virtus Interpress.
Contents Foreword Bodolica Foreword Jamali Foreword Lapina List of editors and contributors A sample Chapter 9 Order FormAmount: 96 EUR
Amount: 29 EUR

Corporate Governance in Emerging Economies: Theory and Practice
Publishing house Virtus Interpress introduces a book focused on the peculiarities of the national approaches to corporate governance in various emerging countries, titled "Corporate Governance in Emerging Economies: Theory and Practice".
- ISBN: 978-617-7309-02-3
- Edited by: Robert W. McGee, Khaled Hussainey, Yaroslav Mozghovyi
- Number of pages: 164
- Published: 2017
- Cover: hardcover/ebook
How to cite: McGee, R. W., Hussainey, K., & Mozghovyi, Y. (Eds.). (2017). Corporate governance in emerging economies: Theory and practice. Sumy, Ukraine: Virtus Interpress.
Foreword Sample chapter Contents Order form List of editors and contributorsAmount: 96 EUR
Amount: 26 EUR

Corporate Governance: New Challenges and Opportunities
Publishing house Virtus Interpress introduces a book focused on the national CG challenges and industrial CG challenges as well titled "Corporate Governance: New Challenges and Opportunities".
- ISBN: 978-617-7309-00-9
- Edited by: Alexander N. Kostyuk, Udo Braendle, Vincenzo Capizzi
- Number of pages: 315
- Published: 2017
- Cover: hardcover
How to cite: Kostyuk, A. N., Braendle, U., & Capizzi, V. (Eds.). (2017). Corporate governance: New challenges and opportunities. Sumy, Ukraine: Virtus Interpress.
Contents A Sample Chapter 1 Order Form Foreword A Sample Chapter 2 Feedback List of editors and contributorsAmount: 98 EUR
Amount: 29 EUR

Evolution of Corporate Governance in Banks
Publishing house Virtus Interpress introduces a book that describes main characteristics and historical peculiarities of the corporate governance development worldwide titled "Evolution of Corporate Governance in Banks".
- ISBN 978-966-96872-5-7
- Editors: Alexander N. Kostyuk, Michele Pizzo, Mitsuru Mizuno
- Published: 2012
- Number of pages: 294
- Cover: paperback/ebook
How to cite: Kostyuk, A. N., Pizzo, M., & Mizuno, M. (Eds.). (2012). Evolution of corporate governance in banks. Sumy, Ukraine: Virtus Interpress.
Introduction Contributors Contents A Sample Chapter Order FormAmount: 44 EUR
Amount: 18 EUR

Corporate Governance: An International Outlook
Publishing house Virtus Interpress introduces a new book on corporate governance titled "Corporate Governance: An International Outlook".
- ISBN: 978-966-96872-2-7
- Author: Alexander N. Kostyuk, Carsten Gerner-Beuerle, Rodolfo Apreda
- Published: 2011
- Number of pages: 401
- Cover: paperback/ebook
How to cite: Kostyuk, A. N., Gerner-Beuerle, C., & Apreda, R. (2011). Corporate governance: An international outlook. Sumy, Ukraine: Virtus Interpress.
Introduction Order Form A Sample Chapter Contents ContributorsAmount: 44 EUR
Amount: 18 EUR

Euroasian Perspectives of Banking System Development
Publishing house Virtus Interpress introduces a new book on banking systems development in European and Asian countries titled "Euroasian Perspectives Of The Banking Systems Development".
- ISBN 978-966-96872-3-7
- Editors: Oleksandr Kostyuk, Michelle Lin, Ghassan Omet
- Published: 2011
- Number of pages: 167
- Cover: paperback
How to cite: Kostyuk, O., Lin, M., & Omet, G. (Eds.). (2011). Euroasian perspectives of the banking systems development. Sumy, Ukraine: Virtus Interpress.
Introduction and contributors Contents A Sample Chapter Order FormAmount: 38 EUR

Anti-Crisis Paradigms of Corporate Governance in Banks: A New Institutional Outlook
Publishing house Virtus Interpress introduces a book on corporate governance titled "Anti-crisis paradigms of corporate governance in banks: a new institutional outlook".
- ISBN: 978-966-96872-1-0
- Author: Alexander N. Kostyuk, Fumiko Takeda, Kaoru Hosono
- Published: 2010
- Number of pages: 464
- Cover: hardcover/ebook
How to cite: Kostyuk, A. N., Takeda, F., & Hosono, K. (2010). Anti-crisis paradigms of corporate governance in banks: A new institutional outlook. Sumy, Ukraine: Virtus Interpress.
Order Form A Sample Chapter Contents Contributors IntroductionAmount: 52 EUR
Amount: 23 EUR

Corporate Governance
Publishing house Virtus Interpress introduces a book on corporate governance titled "Corporate Governance". This is a textbook aimed at postgraduate students, researchers and practitioners.
- ISBN: 978-966-96872-0-3
- Edited by: Alexander N. Kostyuk, Udo C. Braendle, Rodolfo Apreda
- Published: 2007
- Number of pages: 379
- Cover: hardcover
How to cite: Kostyuk, A. N., Braendle, U. C., & Apreda, R. (Eds.). (2007). Corporate Governance. Sumy, Ukraine: Virtus Interpress.
Introduction Contributors Contents A Sample Chapter Order FormAmount: 54 EUR

Corporate Board Practices
Publishing house Virtus Interpress introduces a new book on corporate governance titled "Corporate Board Practices".
- ISBN: 966-96566-1-3
- Edited by: Alexander N. Kostyuk
- Published: 2006
- Number of pages: 153
- Cover: paperback
How to cite: Kostyuk. A. N. (Ed.). (2006). Corporate Board Practices. Sumy, Ukraine: Virtus Interpress.
Introduction Contents A Sample Chapter Order FormAmount: 42 EUR

Corporate Governance in a Transition Economy
Publishing house Virtus Interpress introduces an open access book on corporate governance titled "Corporate Governance in a transition economy".
- ISBN: 966-96566-0-5
- Edited by: Alexander N. Kostyuk
- Published: 2005
- Number of pages: 150
- Cover: paperback
How to cite: Kostyuk, A. N. (Ed.). (2005). Corporate governance in a transition economy. Sumy, Ukraine: Virtus Interpress.
Introduction Contents Complete PDF file of the book
Barriers, Perceptions and External/Internal Variables to Digital Transformation Acceptance in Exogenous Shock Era
Publishing house Virtus Interpress introduces a book titled "Barriers, Perceptions and External/Internal Variables to Digital Transformation Acceptance in Exogenous Shock Era" that analyzes the potential of blockchain technology from a managerial perspective for public administration.
- ISBN: 978-617-7309-31-3
- Author: Giuseppe Modarelli
- Number of pages: 194
- Published: 2024
- Cover: paperback
How to cite: Modarelli, G. (2024). Barriers, perceptions and external/internal variables to digital transformation acceptance in exogenous shock era. Virtus Interpress.
Contents Editorial References Order formAmount: 68 EUR

Artificial Intelligence in Support of Management Control in Local Government: Potentialities and Limitations
Publishing house Virtus Interpress introduces a book titled "Artificial Intelligence in Support of Management Control in Local Government: Potentialities and Limitations" that examines the transformation path of public administration, with particular attention to local realities, exploring the transition from the traditional administrative model to a managerial type of management focused on added value and quality of services.
- ISBN: 978-617-7309-30-6
- Authors: Maria Carmela Serluca
- Number of pages: 118
- Published: 2024
- Cover: paperback
How to cite: Serluca, M. C. (2024). Artificial intelligence in support of management control in local government: Potentialities and limitations. Virtus Interpress.
Introduction Contents References Order formAmount: 65 EUR

PNRR and Artificial Intelligence: Innovation in Public Administration Control Systems
Publishing house Virtus Interpress introduces a book titled "PNRR and Artificial Intelligence: Innovation in Public Administration Control Systems" that examines how artificial intelligence supports PNRR control and reporting systems to improve public administration governance.
- ISBN: 978-617-7309-28-3
- Authors: Alba Maria Gallo
- Number of pages: 134
- Published: 2024
- Cover: paperback
How to cite: Gallo, A. M. (2024). PNRR and artificial intelligence: Innovation in public administration control systems. Virtus Interpress.
Introduction Contents References Order formAmount: 65 EUR

Prospects of Sustainability: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
Publishing House Virtus Interpress releases a book titled "Prospects of sustainability: Yesterday, today and tomorrow" that explores sustainability through a variety of contributions from academics and scholars from different disciplinary areas, providing an overview of the challenges and opportunities related to sustainability.
- ISBN: 978-617-7309-27-6
- DOI: 10.22495/psytt
- Edited by: Ida D’Ambrosio
- Number of pages: 276
- Published: 2024
- Cover: hardcover/ebook
How to cite: D’Ambrosio, I. (Ed.). (2024). Prospects of sustainability: Yesterday, today and tomorrow. Virtus Interpress.
Contents Preface Complete PDF file of the book
Behavioral Finance and Wealth Management: Market Anomalies, Investors’ Behavior and the Role of Financial Advisors
Publishing House Virtus Interpress releases a book titled "Behavioral finance and wealth management: Market anomalies, investors’ behavior and the role of financial advisors" that examines the intricate relationship between human behavior and financial decision-making, with particular regard to wealth management.
- ISBN: 978-617-7309-26-9
- DOI: 10.22495/bfwm
- Authors: Enrico Maria Cervellati, Natascia Angelini, Gian Paolo Stella
- Number of pages: 74
- Published: 2024
- Cover: ebook
How to cite: Cervellati, E. M., Angelini, N., & Stella, G. P. (2024). Behavioral finance and wealth management: Market anomalies, investors’ behavior and the role of financial advisors. Virtus Interpress.
Contents Foreword Complete PDF file of the book
Organizational Behavior and Transformational Leadership
Publishing House Virtus Interpress releases a book titled "Organizational behavior and transformational leadership" that provides an in-depth account of practices and techniques for enhancing employee performance for continuous improvement in the construction sector, particularly in the current globalized world.
- ISBN: 978-617-7309-24-5
- DOI: 10.22495/obtl
- Author: Shatha Suleiman Abu-Mahfouz
- Number of pages: 146
- Published: 2023
- Cover: ebook
How to cite: Abu-Mahfouz, S. S. (2023). Organizational behavior and transformational leadership. Virtus Interpress.
Contents Preface Complete file of the book
Financial Literacy in Italy: Empirical Evidence and Theoretical Proposals
Publishing House Virtus Interpress releases a book titled "Financial literacy in Italy: Empirical evidence and theoretical proposals" that analyses financial literacy issue from theoretical and empirical points of view, with a particular focus on the evidence related to Italy.
- ISBN: 978-617-7309-19-1
- DOI: 10.22495/flieetp
- Authors: Gian Paolo Stella, Umberto Filotto, Enrico Maria Cervellati
- Number of pages: 59
- Published: 2021
- Cover: hardcover/ebook
How to cite: Stella, G. P., Filotto, U., & Cervellati, E. M. (2021). Financial literacy in Italy: Empirical evidence and theoretical proposals.
Contents Preface Complete PDF file of the book
Welfare and Market: A Social, Economic and Legal Analysis
Publishing House Virtus Interpress releases a book titled "Welfare and market: A social, economic and legal analysis" that provides an interdisciplinary outlook of legal, economic and social issues of the welfare in our times.
- ISBN: 978-617-7309-15-3
- DOI: 10.22495/wmsela
- Edited by: Ida D’Ambrosio, Paolo Palumbo
- Number of pages: 267
- Published: 2020
- Cover: hardcover/ebook
How to cite: D’Ambrosio, I., & Palumbo, P. (Eds.). (2020). Welfare and market: A social, economic and legal analysis.
Contents Preface Complete PDF file of the book
Sustainable impacts via solidarity, resilience, and UNSDGs under COVID-19
Publishing house Virtus Interpress introduces a book that describes how ideas and technology combined can be used as ways of thinking, being and acting under the new crisis titled "Sustainable impacts via solidarity, resilience, and UNSDGs under COVID-19".
- ISBN: 978-617-7309-13-9
- Author: Shirley M. C. Yeung
- Number of pages: 39
- Published: 2020
- Cover: ebook
How to cite: Yeung, S. M. C. (2020). Sustainable impacts via solidarity, resilience, and UNSDGs under COVID-19. Sumy, Ukraine: Virtus Interpress.
Contents Foreword Sample chapter Books order formAmount: 20 EUR

Future Talent Development via UNSDGs, Second Edition
Publishing house Virtus Interpress introduces the second edition of the book focused on sustainable development of organizations titled "Future Talent Development via UNSDGs".
- ISBN: 978-617-7309-11-5
- Author: Shirley M. C. Yeung
- Number of pages: 77
- Published: 2020
- Cover: ebook
How to cite: Yeung, S. M. C. (2020). Future Talent Development via UNSDGs (2nd ed.). Sumy, Ukraine: Virtus Interpress.
Foreword Contents Sample chapter Book order formAmount: 25 EUR

Future Talent Development via UNSDGs
Publishing house Virtus Interpress introduces a book focused on sustainable development of organizations titled "Future Talent Development via UNSDGs".
- ISBN: 978-6-177309-09-2
- Author: Shirley M. C. Yeung
- Number of pages: 53
- Published: 2020
- Cover: ebook
How to cite: Yeung, S. M. C. (2020). Future Talent Development via UNSDGs. Sumy, Ukraine: Virtus Interpress.
Foreword is written by Danny Wong, Professor Emeritus, The Open University of Hong Kong
Order Form Sample Chapter Contents ForewordAmount: 25 EUR

Public and Private Management: A Multidisciplinary Approach
The book "Public and Private Management: A Multidisciplinary Approach" published by Virtus Interpress examines the public and private management through different approaches to the topic from the view of its different authors, it helps in understanding the issues of the public and private sector.
- ISBN: 978-617-7309-03-0
- Edited by: Ubaldo Comite, Nadia Oliva
- Number of pages: 248
- Published: 2018
- Cover: paperbook
How to cite: Comite, U., & Oliva, N. (Eds.). (2018). Public and private management: A multidisciplinary approach. Sumy, Ukraine: Virtus Interpress.
Contents Preface Sample Chapter Order FormAmount: 65 EUR

Business Angels: Signals for High-Tech Companies
Publishing house Virtus Interpress introduces a book focused on high tech-companies, with a particular view on Tuscany scenario titled "Business Angels: Signals for High-Tech Companies".
- ISBN: 978-966-96872-8-9
- Author: Giuseppina Iacoviello
- Number of pages: 93
- Published: 2017
- Cover: paperback
How to cite: Iacoviello, G. (2017). Business angels: Signals for high-tech companies. Sumy, Ukraine: Virtus Interpress.
Order Form Bibliography About the Author Contents IntroductionAmount: 48 EUR
Amount: 21 EUR

Corporate Governance and Venture Capital in Public Utility Services Companies
Publishing house Virtus Interpress introduces a book that describes main practices of the corporate governance in public utility services companies in Italy "Corporate Governance and Venture Capital in Public Utility Services Companies".
- ISBN: 978-966-96872-5-8
- Author: Franco Ernesto Rubino, Maurizio Rija, Graziella Sicoli, Paolo Tenuta
- Published: 2016
- Number of pages: 180
- Cover: paperback
How to cite: Rubino, F. E., Rija, M., Sicoli, G., & Tenuta, P. (2016). Corporate governance and venture capital in public utility services companies. Sumy, Ukraine: Virtus Interpress.
Order Form Bibliography About the Authors A Sample Chapter Contents IntroductionAmount: 45 EUR

Rural Entrepreneurship Promotional Strategy in South Africa: Concepts, Practice and Theories
Publishing house Virtus Interpress introduces a book that describes main practices of the rural entrepreneurship in South Africa "Rural Entrepreneurship Promotional Strategy in South Africa: Concepts, Practice and Theories".
- ISBN: 978-966-96872-6-5
- Author: Dr L. M. Lekhanya
- Number of pages: 120
- Published: 2016
- Cover: paperback
How to cite: Lekhanya, L. M. (2016). Rural entrepreneurship promotional strategy in South Africa: Concepts, practice and theories. Sumy, Ukraine: Virtus Interpress.
Order Form Bibliography About the Author Contents IntroductionAmount: 45 EUR

Governance in the Public Health Sector: A Changing Environment
Publishing house Virtus Interpress introduces a book that describes main practices of the corporate governance using South African health sector as a case study " Governance in the Public Health Sector: A Changing Environment".
- ISBN: 978-966-96872-7-2
- Author: Dr. Melody Brauns, Faculty of Public Management, Law and Economics at the Durban University of Technology in South Africa.
- Number of pages: 116
- Published: 2016
- Cover: paperback
How to cite: Brauns, M. (2016). Governance in the public health sector: A changing environment. Sumy, Ukraine: Virtus Interpress.
Order Form Bibliography About the Author Contents IntroductionAmount: 45 EUR

Competitive Intelligence As An Economic Phenomenon
Publishing house Virtus Interpress introduces a book that describes main practices of the intellectual capital "Competitive Intelligence As An Economic Phenomenon".
- ISBN: 978-966-96872-4-1
- Author: Alexander Maune
- Published: 2015
- Number of pages: 133
- Cover: paperback
How to cite: Maune, A. (2015). Competitive intelligence as an economic phenomenon. Sumy, Ukraine: Virtus Interpress.
Order Form A Sample Chapter Contents IntroductionAmount: 46 EUR

Inform and Deform: Do financial analysts mean what they say?
Publishing house Virtus Interpress introduces a book that describes main practices of the financial analyst activity titled "INFORM AND DEFORM: Do financial analysts mean what they say?".
- ISBN: 978-966-9686-73-2
- Author: Enrico Maria Cervellati, Luca Piras
- Published: 2012
- Number of pages: 112
- Cover: paperback/ebook
How to cite: Cervellati, E. M., & Piras, L. (2012). Inform and deform: Do financial analysts mean what they say? Sumy, Ukraine: Virtus Interpress.
Introduction Contents A Sample Chapter Order FormAmount: 45 EUR
Amount: 18 EUR

Intellectual Capital Reporting Practices in the Non-Profit Sector
Publishing house Virtus Interpress introduces a book that describes main practices of the intellectual capital reporting in the non-profit sector titled "Intellectual Capital Reporting Practices in the Non-Profit Sector".
- ISBN: 978-966-1569-03-3
- Author: Giovanni Bronzetti, Romilda Mazzotta, Pina Puntillo, Antonella Silvestri, Stefania Veltri
- Published: 2011
- Number of pages: 138
- Cover: paperback/ebook
How to cite: Bronzetti, G., Mazzotta, R., Puntillo, P., Silvestri, A., & Veltri, S. (2011). Intellectual capital reporting practices in the non-profit sector. Sumy, Ukraine: Virtus Interpress.
Introduction Contributors Contents Order Form A Sample ChapterAmount: 46 EUR
Amount: 19 EUR