Corporate Governance in a Transition Economy

Publishing house Virtus Interpress introduces an open access book on corporate governance titled "Corporate Governance in a transition economy".
- ISBN: 966-96566-0-5
- Edited by: Alexander N. Kostyuk
- Published: 2005
- Number of pages: 150
- Cover: paperback
How to cite: Kostyuk, A. N. (Ed.). (2005). Corporate governance in a transition economy. Sumy, Ukraine: Virtus Interpress.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Synopsis: The new millennium presented citizens of the corporate world – shareholders, executives, employees and others – with the bankruptcies of Enron and other giants of the most developed segment of the corporate world – the USA. Corporate America, which was perceived before as an example to follow, showed the corporate world citizens many disadvantages in the existing systems and instruments of corporate governance. This rather deflated the trust of shareholders in the existing principles and concepts of corporate governance both in developed and developing countries, including Ukraine. The results of the research, presented in this book are very important for Ukrainian joint stock companies, which suffer from agent conflicts. An increase in agent costs reduces growth opportunities at the market. Therefore, after developing corporate governance mechanisms, such as executive compensation, board of directors and its committees, financial reporting and executive monitoring, it will be possible to say that this research is based on the principle of social responsibility, deflated strongly as a result of the bankruptcies in the USA and worldwide.
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