Corporate Governance in Emerging Economies: Theory and Practice

Publishing house Virtus Interpress introduces a book focused on the peculiarities of the national approaches to corporate governance in various emerging countries, titled "Corporate Governance in Emerging Economies: Theory and Practice".
- ISBN: 978-617-7309-02-3
- Edited by: Robert W. McGee, Khaled Hussainey, Yaroslav Mozghovyi
- Number of pages: 164
- Published: 2017
- Cover: hardcover/ebook
How to cite: McGee, R. W., Hussainey, K., & Mozghovyi, Y. (Eds.). (2017). Corporate governance in emerging economies: Theory and practice. Sumy, Ukraine: Virtus Interpress.
Synopsis: Given the increased importance of corporate governance over recent years, this book is a vital asset for practitioners, academics and policymakers alike. It represents an important contribution to the raising debate about corporate governance in ten emerging countries: Slovenia; Kuwait; Jordan; Turkey; Morocco; South Africa; Uganda; India; Malaysia and Mexico. This book is edited by a team of scholars with expertise in the field of corporate governance and emphasis on emerging markets: Robert McGee, Khaled Hussainey and Yaroslav Mozghovyi. A total of 16 co-authors (representing 10 countries) contributed to this book. The book contains 8 theoretical and descriptive chapters on the corporate governance practice in the emerging economies and 2 empirical chapters on the impact of corporate governance mechanisms on capital structure in Turkey and on firm value in Malaysia.
Price of the book:
- Euro 96 (printed version/shipment included)
- Euro 26 (ebook)
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Foreword Sample chapter Contents Order form List of editors and contributorsAmount: 96 EUR
Amount: 26 EUR