Corporate Board Practices

Publishing house Virtus Interpress introduces a new book on corporate governance titled "Corporate Board Practices".
- ISBN: 966-96566-1-3
- Edited by: Alexander N. Kostyuk
- Published: 2006
- Number of pages: 153
- Cover: paperback
How to cite: Kostyuk. A. N. (Ed.). (2006). Corporate Board Practices. Sumy, Ukraine: Virtus Interpress.
Synopsis: Boards of directors are a crucial part of the corporate structure. They are link between the people who provide capital (the shareholders) and the people who use that capital to create value (the managers).
Lack of the board practice transparency, board accountability, professionalism and social responsibility are the major problems of the corporate board practices in Ukraine. These are the cornerstones the corporate board practices to begin its move forward, toward the best corporate governance practices generally accepted in the world. These are the issues this book is going to deliver to the reading audience.
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