Corporate Governance

Publishing house Virtus Interpress introduces a book on corporate governance titled "Corporate Governance". This is a textbook aimed at postgraduate students, researchers and practitioners.
- ISBN: 978-966-96872-0-3
- Edited by: Alexander N. Kostyuk, Udo C. Braendle, Rodolfo Apreda
- Published: 2007
- Number of pages: 379
- Cover: hardcover
How to cite: Kostyuk, A. N., Braendle, U. C., & Apreda, R. (Eds.). (2007). Corporate Governance. Sumy, Ukraine: Virtus Interpress.
Synopsis: The textbook tries to cover several topics in the interdisciplinary area of corporate governance. The financial crises of Enron, WorldCom and Parmalat at the beginning of the 21st century have heated up the discussion about the proper governance of companies. Corporate governance is a highly topical subject which concerns the management of large companies and the way in which they use their power and influence in society today. It encompasses a wide range of issues extending from company law to business ethics.
Price of the book: Euro 54 (printed version/shipment included)
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