Artificial Intelligence in Support of Management Control in Local Government: Potentialities and Limitations

Publishing house Virtus Interpress introduces a book titled "Artificial Intelligence in Support of Management Control in Local Government: Potentialities and Limitations" that examines the transformation path of public administration, with particular attention to local realities, exploring the transition from the traditional administrative model to a managerial type of management focused on added value and quality of services.

  • ISBN: 978-617-7309-30-6
  • Authors: Maria Carmela Serluca
  • Number of pages: 118
  • Published: 2024
  • Cover: paperback

How to cite: Serluca, M. C. (2024). Artificial intelligence in support of management control in local government: Potentialities and limitations. Virtus Interpress.

Synopsis: The book "Artificial Intelligence in Support of Management Control in Local Government: Potentialities and Limitations" examines the transformation path of public administration, with particular attention to local realities, exploring the transition from the traditional administrative model to a managerial type of management focused on added value and quality of services.

The adoption of AI in management control represents an important step towards a more modern, efficient, and responsive public administration. However, the use of AI must be accompanied, firstly, by adequate information technology (IT) support that must represent the databases to provide the information that, with the support of AI, must be processed, secondly, by adequate staff training, an ethical approach to data management, and security measures that guarantee the confidentiality and protection of sensitive information. These topical aspects engage the European Union (EU) and national legislators to define the application risks and identify the necessary measures.

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