Governance in the Public Health Sector: A Changing Environment

Publishing house Virtus Interpress introduces a book that describes main practices of the corporate governance using South African health sector as a case study " Governance in the Public Health Sector: A Changing Environment".
- ISBN: 978-966-96872-7-2
- Author: Dr. Melody Brauns, Faculty of Public Management, Law and Economics at the Durban University of Technology in South Africa.
- Number of pages: 116
- Published: 2016
- Cover: paperback
How to cite: Brauns, M. (2016). Governance in the public health sector: A changing environment. Sumy, Ukraine: Virtus Interpress.
Synopsis: This book approaches the macroeconomic problem of the healthcare sector governance based on the case study of the developing country. The data analysis method for this book is meta-analysis. Various documents were examined, such as academic literature, legislation, policies, managerial procedures, protocols, statistical reports, and so forth, in order to elicit meaning, gain understanding and develop empirical knowledge. The procedure entailed finding, selecting, appraising and synthesising data contained in these different types of documents. This study undertook an in-depth analysis of legislation and policies pertaining to public sector reform with particular reference to the healthcare sector. Datasets and publications from independent research outfits and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) focusing on public healthcare and others, were analysed. Thus, the book will be interesting for all who are working in the field of public governance in general and heal care sector in particular.
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