Challenges and Opportunities in Italian Corporate Governance

Publishing house Virtus Interpress introduces a book focused on the main issues of Italian corporate governance and its fundamental aspects, titled "Challenges and Opportunities in Italian Corporate Governance".
- ISBN: 978-617-7309-07-8
- Edited by: Salvatore Esposito De Falco, Federico Alvino, Nicola Cucari, Luigi Lepore
- Number of pages: 299
- Published: 2019
- Cover: hardcover/ebook
How to cite: Esposito De Falco, S., Alvino, F., Cucari, N., & Lepore, L. (Eds.). (2019). Challenges and opportunities in Italian corporate governance. Sumy, Ukraine: Virtus Interpress.
Synopsis: The book “Challenges and Opportunities in Italian Corporate Governance” collects an ensemble of research that permits a quick look at key issues of corporate governance. It offers an overview of the Italian corporate governance landscape, highlighting the more recent and interesting challenges and opportunities for Italian companies. The book examines the corporate governance issues from different perspectives (law, business management, accounting and practitioners), assessing the progress made by Italian companies in improving corporate governance and the gaps that remain. Moreover, it presents governance issues in the widely varying perspectives of owners, boards, management, and other stakeholders to create a complete picture of the Italian corporate governance environment.
Price of the book:
- Euro 98 (printed version/shipment included)
- Euro 38 (ebook)
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Preface List of editors and contributors Contents Sample chapter Order form Sample chapterAmount: 98 EUR
Amount: 38 EUR