Rural Entrepreneurship Promotional Strategy in South Africa: Concepts, Practice and Theories

Publishing house Virtus Interpress introduces a book that describes main practices of the rural entrepreneurship in South Africa "Rural Entrepreneurship Promotional Strategy in South Africa: Concepts, Practice and Theories".
- ISBN: 978-966-96872-6-5
- Author: Dr L. M. Lekhanya
- Number of pages: 120
- Published: 2016
- Cover: paperback
How to cite: Lekhanya, L. M. (2016). Rural entrepreneurship promotional strategy in South Africa: Concepts, practice and theories. Sumy, Ukraine: Virtus Interpress.
Synopsis: This book provides an analysis of the developments of rural entrepreneurship using the case study of a developing country. In this book the underlying message expressed is that the rural enterprises’ sector should modify and improve its entrepreneurial marketing orientation.
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