Financial Literacy in Italy: Empirical Evidence and Theoretical Proposals

Publishing House Virtus Interpress releases a book titled "Financial literacy in Italy: Empirical evidence and theoretical proposals" that analyses financial literacy issue from theoretical and empirical points of view, with a particular focus on the evidence related to Italy.
- ISBN: 978-617-7309-19-1
- DOI: 10.22495/flieetp
- Authors: Gian Paolo Stella, Umberto Filotto, Enrico Maria Cervellati
- Number of pages: 59
- Published: 2021
- Cover: hardcover/ebook
How to cite: Stella, G. P., Filotto, U., & Cervellati, E. M. (2021). Financial literacy in Italy: Empirical evidence and theoretical proposals.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Synopsis: The book "Financial literacy in Italy: Empirical evidence and theoretical proposals" investigates the issue of financial literacy from theoretical and empirical points of view, providing evidence related to Italy. This work is motivated by the increasing complexity of financial instruments and by the evolution of individuals’ needs that result in the necessity to implement measures to increase individuals’ financial literacy. This book consists of four sections: the first and the second sections analyse the traditional and the behavioural finance approaches to financial literacy, the third section observes the relationship between behavioural propensities, financial literacy, and personality traits, while the fourth section deals with financial literacy as an indicator of economic inequalities between Italian regions.
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