Business Angels: Signals for High-Tech Companies

Publishing house Virtus Interpress introduces a book focused on high tech-companies, with a particular view on Tuscany scenario titled "Business Angels: Signals for High-Tech Companies".
- ISBN: 978-966-96872-8-9
- Author: Giuseppina Iacoviello
- Number of pages: 93
- Published: 2017
- Cover: paperback
How to cite: Iacoviello, G. (2017). Business angels: Signals for high-tech companies. Sumy, Ukraine: Virtus Interpress.
Synopsis: The author investigates why companies pursue growth through the choice of non-traditional sources of funding from a perspective based on (re)interpreting the concept of funding in the light of upheavals affecting the market in its multitudinous facets. The book is a fruitful and interesting reading both for researchers, entrepreneurs, managers and economists, who wish to know and learn more about the matter.
Price of the book:
- Euro 48 (printed version/shipment included)
- Euro 21 (ebook)
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Amount: 21 EUR