
New book has been released

20 August

Publishing house Virtus Interpress is pleased to introduce a book titled "Artificial Intelligence in Support of Management Control in Local (...)read more

International Online Conference (November 28, 2024)

19 August

The Publishing House Virtus Interpress together with Virtus Global Center for Corporate Governance are happy to announce that on November 28, (...)read more

New issue of the Corporate Ownership and Control journal

16 August

The editorial team of Virtus Interpress is happy to introduce the third issue of the journal Corporate Ownership & Control for the year 2024. (...)read more

Conference proceedings book has been released

15 August

Publishing House Virtus Interpress is happy to release the conference proceedings book titled "Corporate governance: Research and advanced (...)read more

A collection of empirical and research papers on board diversity (Updated August 14, 2024)

14 August

The editorial team of the Publishing House “Virtus Interpress” has updated a list of empirical and research papers published in the Corporate (...)read more

Recently published papers in journals by Virtus Interpress

8 August

The editorial team of Virtus Interpress is glad to introduce a list of papers that have been recently published in the journals Corporate (...)read more

A collection of empirical and theoretical papers on ownership structure (Updated August 7, 2024)

7 August

The following collection of papers from Corporate Ownership and Control journal has been updated by the editorial team in order to help our (...)read more

New issue of the Corporate & Business Strategy Review journal

6 August

The editorial team of Virtus Interpress is pleased to publish a new issue of the journal Corporate and Business Strategy Review in 2024 (volume (...)read more

Virtus Scholar Platform monthly statistics

1 August

The editorial team of Virtus Interpress is pleased to present the report on the main indicators of our Virtus Scholar Statistics Platform for (...)read more

A collection of papers on corporate governance and firm performance (Updated July 31, 2024)

31 July

The editorial team of the Journal of Governance and Regulation has updated a collection of papers published in the journal devoted to corporate (...)read more

Recently published papers in journals by Virtus Interpress

25 July

The editorial team of Virtus Interpress is happy to present a list of papers that have been recently published in the journals Corporate (...)read more

New issue of the Corporate Governance and Organizational Behavior Review journal

22 July

The editorial team of Virtus Interpress is happy to release a new issue (special issue) of volume 8 of the journal Corporate Governance and (...)read more

A collection of papers on corporate social responsibility and business strategy (Updated July 22, 2024)

22 July

The editorial team of the Corporate & Business Strategy Review journal has updated a collection of papers published in the journal dedicated (...)read more

A collection of papers on regulation and governance of education industry (Updated July 18, 2024)

18 July

The editorial team of the Journal of Governance and Regulation has updated a collection of papers published in the journal devoted to the issues (...)read more

A collection of papers on corporate governance

12 July

The editorial team of the Corporate Law & Governance Review journal has prepared a new collection of papers published in the journal devoted (...)read more

A collection of papers on business strategies for banks (Updated July 11, 2024)

11 July

The editorial team of the Corporate & Business Strategy Review journal has updated a collection of papers published in the journal dedicated (...)read more

New issue of the Business Performance Review journal

9 July

The editorial team of Virtus Interpress is pleased to present the first issue of the journal Business Performance Review in 2024. The published (...)read more

Recently published papers in journals by Virtus Interpress

9 July

The editorial team of Virtus Interpress would like to propose a list of papers that have been recently published in the journals Corporate (...)read more

Reporting and Accountability Review: New Journal

8 July

The team of the Publishing House “Virtus Interpress” is happy to launch a new hybrid international journal. The journal is titled “Reporting and (...)read more

New issue of the Risk Governance and Control: Financial Markets & Institutions journal

8 July

The editorial team of Virtus Interpress would like to announce the release of the second issue of the journal Risk Governance and Control: (...)read more