A collection of papers on business strategy and innovation

The editorial team of the Corporate & Business Strategy Review journal has composed a new collection of papers published in the journal dedicated to the issues of business strategy and innovation.
We hope that the below-mentioned collection of papers will be useful for both scholars and practitioners working in the field of innovative business strategies.
- AlGhamdi, Z. K., & Abdelwahed, N. A. A. (2024). Developing consumers’ experience with ChatGPT towards customer digital marketing satisfaction strategy. Corporate & Business Strategy Review, 5(3), 36–46. https://doi.org/10.22495/cbsrv5i3art4
- Montes Ninaquispe, J. C., Arbulú Ballesteros, M. A., Ludeña Jugo, D. A., Lamadrid Aldana, M., Guzmán Valle, M. d. l. A., Cruz Salinas, L. E., Farfán Chilicaus, G. C., & García Juárez, H. D. (2024). Competition in the international cherry market: A competitiveness analysis of the developing country. Corporate & Business Strategy Review, 5(3), 27–35. https://doi.org/10.22495/cbsrv5i3art3
- Alzuod, M. A. (2024). The impact of talent management on innovation: The empirical study of pharmaceutical companies. Corporate & Business Strategy Review, 5(2), 72–79. https://doi.org/10.22495/cbsrv5i2art6
- Alhaqbani, S. F., & Abdelwahed, N. A. A. (2024). Enablers of the successful implementation of the strategy of technological innovation in higher education. Corporate & Business Strategy Review, 5(2), 18–28. https://doi.org/10.22495/cbsrv5i2art2
- Thetlek, R., Kraiwanit, T., Limna, P., Shaengchart, Y., & Moolngearn, P. (2024). The strategy of virtual banking adoption in the digital economy [Special issue]. Corporate & Business Strategy Review, 5(1), 264–272. https://doi.org/10.22495/cbsrv5i1siart1
- Limna, P., Kraiwanit, T., Jangjarat, K., & Shaengchart, Y. & (2023). Applying ChatGPT as a new business strategy: A great power comes with great responsibility [Special issue]. Corporate & Business Strategy Review, 4(4), 218–226. https://doi.org/10.22495/cbsrv4i4siart2
- Sumantri, B. A., Suliyanto, & Darmawati, D. (2023). The competitive strategy of the village unit cooperative: Capability and innovation performance towards competitive advantage [Special issue]. Corporate & Business Strategy Review, 4(4), 206–217. https://doi.org/10.22495/cbsrv4i4siart1
- Chutipat, V., Sonsuphap, R., & Thetlek, R. (2023). The business strategy of the utility token adoption by investors in a developing country. Corporate & Business Strategy Review, 4(3), 139–147. https://doi.org/10.22495/cbsrv4i3art14
- Jangjarat, K., & Jewjinda, C. (2023). Impact of the digital economy and innovation on the businesses of small and medium enterprises. Corporate & Business Strategy Review, 4(3), 102–110. https://doi.org/10.22495/cbsrv4i3art10
- Santos, A. R. (2023). Business transformation at the vegetable trading post: Foundational development strategy for the future. Corporate & Business Strategy Review, 4(3), 46–55. https://doi.org/10.22495/cbsrv4i3art5
- Hasani, E., & Beqaj, B. (2023). New product development: Evidence from a banking sector. Corporate & Business Strategy Review, 4(2), 76–82. https://doi.org/10.22495/cbsrv4i2art7
- Priambodo, I. T., Sasmoko, S., Abdinagoro, S. B., & Bandur, A. (2022). Mediating role of innovation capabilities between maturity and performance of e-commerce [Special issue]. Corporate & Business Strategy Review, 3(2), 349–356. https://doi.org/10.22495/cbsrv3i2siart16
The whole set of thematic papers collections can be viewed here.