A collection of research papers on CEO’s efficiency (Updated April 15, 2024)

The editorial team of the Corporate Board: Role, Duties and Composition has updated the collection of research papers published in the journal devoted to the questions of CEO’s efficiency and productivity.
We hope that the below-mentioned collection of papers will be useful for those scholars pursuing research in the field of the CEO’s efficiency:
- Galavotti, I., & D’Este, C. (2023). Female CEO and board composition: A gender rivalry approach to family firms. Corporate Board: Role, Duties and Composition, 19(1), 8–19. https://doi.org/10.22495/cbv19i1art1
- Garrow, N., & Awolowo, I. F. (2022). Mergers and acquisitions and the CEO: Tenure and outcomes. Corporate Board: Role, Duties and Composition, 18(1), 47–61. https://doi.org/10.22495/cbv18i1art4
- Mills, J., & Hogan, K. M. (2020). CEO facial masculinity and firm financial outcomes. Corporate Board: Role, Duties and Composition, 16(1), 39-46. https://doi.org/10.22495/cbv16i1art4
- Matozza, F., & D’Amico, E. (2020). When does co-leadership drive innovation? The non-linear effect of co CEOs’ power differences on R&D spending. Corporate Board: Role, Duties and Composition, 16(1), 28-38. https://doi.org/10.22495/cbv16i1art3
- Ntoung, L. A. T., Vila Biglieri, J. E., De Oliveira, S. H. M., Benjamim, M. F., Outman, B. C., & Masárová, E. (2017). The impact of ownership structure on firm performance: The role of chairman and CEO in Portugal. Corporate Board: Role, Duties and Composition, 13(2), 6-19. https://doi.org/10.22495/cbv13i2art1
- Watkins-Fassler, K. (2017). CEOs´ monetary incentives and performance of Mexican firms. Corporate Board: Role, Duties and Composition, 13(1), 36-46. https://doi.org/10.22495/cbv13i1p4
- Zhang, C.-Z., & Zhuo-qin Gao, X. M. (2015). Manipulation effects of managerial discretion on executive-employee pay gap: A comparative study between the senior CEOs and the fresh CEOs. Corporate Board: Role, Duties and Composition, 11(3), 43-65. https://doi.org/10.22495/cbv11i3art5
- Makoni, P. L. (2015). The challenges of “acting” CEOs in state-owned enterprises: The case of South African airways. Corporate Board: Role, Duties and Composition, 11(3), 16-24. https://doi.org/10.22495/cbv11i3art2
- Nulla, Y. M. (2015). Board influence and CEO power to executive compensation system in American SMEs. Corporate Board: Role, Duties and Composition, 11(2), 132-145. https://doi.org/10.22495/cbv11i2art11
- Ahamed, N. (2015). How long a tenure is long enough: CEOs tenure and its impact on firm’s performance. Corporate Board: Role, Duties and Composition, 11(2), 50-64. https://doi.org/10.22495/cbv11i2art4
- Kalyanaraman, L. (2015). Do family CEOs impact firm value? An empirical analysis of Indian family firms. Corporate Board: Role, Duties and Composition, 11(1), 59-70. https://doi.org/10.22495/cbv11i1art6
- Sanford, D. Jr., Ji, Y.-Y., & Oh, W.-Y. (2012). Poison pills and CEOs: The résumé matters. Corporate Board: Role, Duties and Composition, 8(2), 24-43. https://doi.org/10.22495/cbv8i2art3
- Oler, D., Olson, B., & Skousen, C. J. (2009). What effect does CEO power and governance have over acquisitions? Corporate Board: Role, Duties and Composition, 5(3), 45-55. https://doi.org/10.22495/cbv5i3art4
- Zelechowski, D. D., & Bilimoria, D. (2006). Characteristics of CEOs and corporate boards with women inside directors. Corporate Board: Role, Duties and Composition, 2(2), 14-21. https://doi.org/10.22495/cbv2i2art2