A new collection of papers on sustainability disclosure and reporting

The editorial team of the Publishing House “Virtus Interpress” has prepared a new collection of papers published in the journal Corporate Governance and Sustainability Review for the last few years devoted to sustainability disclosure and reporting issues.
We hope that the below-mentioned collection of papers will be useful for both scholars and practitioners:
- Amanamah, R. B. (2024). Corporate governance and financial reporting quality: Mediating function of internal control from emerging markets. Corporate Governance and Sustainability Review, 8(3), 36–50. https://doi.org/10.22495/cgsrv8i3p3
- Suhardjo, I., Akroyd, C., & Suparman, M. (2024). Beyond sustainability reporting: A theoretical framework for ethical sustainability governance. Corporate Governance and Sustainability Review, 8(3), 8–20. https://doi.org/10.22495/cgsrv8i3p1
- Kumar, R. (2024). Does environmental and social disclosure foretell the financial performance of oil and gas behemoths? Evidence from the emerging market using mixed-methods research. Corporate Governance and Sustainability Review, 8(2), 48–60. https://doi.org/10.22495/cgsrv8i2p4
- Garrouch, H., & Omri, A. (2024). IFRS adoption, information asymmetry and stock liquidity: Moderating effects of corporate governance mechanisms. Corporate Governance and Sustainability Review, 8(1), 20–31. https://doi.org/10.22495/cgsrv8i1p2
- Benelifa, S., & Nasfi Salem, F. (2023). The level of sophistication of management accounting practices: A case of the developing economy. Corporate Governance and Sustainability Review, 7(3), 58–65. https://doi.org/10.22495/cgsrv7i3p5
- Legaspi, J. L. R. (2023). The current state of sustainability reporting: Evidence from publicly listed financial institutions. Corporate Governance and Sustainability Review, 7(2), 18–28. https://doi.org/10.22495/cgsrv7i2p2
- Isiaka, A. S. (2022). Voluntary sustainability reporting and financial performance: Evidence from Global Reporting Initiative disclosures in the developing economy. Corporate Governance and Sustainability Review, 6(4), 54–64. https://doi.org/10.22495/cgsrv6i4p5
- Singh, R. M., & Walsh, P. R. (2022). Firm identity and image: Strategic intent and antecedents to sustainability reporting. Corporate Governance and Sustainability Review, 6(4), 8–22. https://doi.org/10.22495/cgsrv6i4p1
- Mamun, M. (2022). Sustainability reporting and financial performance: Evidence from Australia’s electricity companies. Corporate Governance and Sustainability Review, 6(1), 15–21. https://doi.org/10.22495/cgsrv6i1p2
- Khelil-Rhouma, Z., & Hamed-Sidhom, M. (2021). Earnings management and the quality of non-financial reporting in a regulated context. Corporate Governance and Sustainability Review, 5(4), 56–67. https://doi.org/10.22495/cgsrv5i4p5
- Dissanayake, D., Dissanayake, S., & Ajward, R. (2021). Do attainment discrepancy and slacks moderate the relationship between board characteristics and level of sustainability disclosure? Corporate Governance and Sustainability Review, 5(4), 28–44. https://doi.org/10.22495/cgsrv5i4p3