
VII International conference "International competition in banking: theory and practice"

The world financial crisis has brought to the stage a number of changes and reforms influencing the perception of competitiveness basis of the modern banking systems, role of regulation, future strategic decisions etc. The consequences of the crisis have posed a question of balance between theoretical evidence of the competition in the banking and financial sectors worldwide and practical approaches under the current circumstances. What should be the core elements in the banks’ corporate strategies to mitigate effects of crisis and achieve competitive advantages? How the effective integration and coordination could be reached in a global financial market? How to conduct the international regulation and anti-crisis bank governance in order to improve financial stability?

What is the role of the central banks and international institutions in promoting and facilitating competition? Which degree of harmonization of regulation and bank governance standards worldwide should be proposed to ensure market discipline? Do the schemes of the state financial support for financial institutions in terms of bank bailout programmes provide an effective solution for risk management and sustainability strengthening? How should the banks and other financial institutions be governed to pursue accountability, value creation and transparency? These questions and related ones will be addressed during the conference.