Corporate Board: Role, Duties and Composition journal: Call for papers

We would like to draw the attention of the experts in the sphere of corporate governance and board of directors practices that international peer-reviewed journal Corporate Board: Role, Duties and Composition announces a call for papers for the Issue 3/2020 of the journal.

A possible topic of both empirical and theoretical papers may include, but is not limited to:

  • board models;
  • directors’ duties and liabilities;
  • directors’ independence;
  • internal control;
  • board leadership;
  • board size and continuity;
  • board reporting and accountability;
  • board practices and auditing;
  • remuneration and compensation issues;
  • conflict of interests;
  • board committees;
  • board performance;
  • gender diversity of the board;
  • board ethics;
  • board information issues;
  • the board’s role in the risk governance process;
  • board of directors` strategy;
  • board policies;
  • board evaluation;
  • board decision-making process (asymmetry information issue);
  • Islamic governance;
  • the role of the board in the presence of shareholder activism and in the related party transactions.

In order to get more information or to submit your paper, please feel free to contact the managing editor:
Olha Lytvynenko

Deadline of submission: October 1, 2020

Click here to download call for papers.