Corporate Governance and Organizational Behavior Review: Update

The editorial team of the publishing house "Virtus Interpress" would like to announce that the journal Corporate Governance and Organizational Behavior Review shifts to an Open-Access model.

Starting with the next issue, all papers will be published in the journal only with the immediate Open Access option. The papers will be available for the readers free of charge starting with the moment of their online publication. Therefore, more scientific articles will be available in open access for the scientific community in the future.

Moreover, based on the progress made since the journal was launched in 2017, the publication frequency of the journal changes as well. Corporate Governance and Organizational Behavior Review was published two times a year and now it will be published four times a year.

Open access publication is one part of a larger movement toward greater access and transparency in scientific research. Virtus Interpress follows the latest developments in European and world regulations regarding the expectations of the research communities and funding agencies that research papers should be published in Open Access and available for readers free of charge.

We hope that these steps will help even further increase the academic impact and level of citations of the papers published in our journal.

Therefore, we announce that the Corporate Governance and Organizational Behavior Review will be an Open Access journal published quarterly from January 2022. The focus, aims, and scope of the journal will remain unchanged and the editorial team will continue to apply the same rigorous standards of peer review and acceptance criteria.

We keep working hard for our authors and readers.