Editorial Board member profile: Dr. Kalin Kolev (USA)

The editorial team of Virtus Interpress has initiated a new news section (published a few times a month), that is aimed at introducing the editorial board of the journals to our network as a part of our full transparency policy.
Today, we would like to introduce one of the editorial board members who joined Corporate Ownership and Control journal’s team in 2017.
Dr. Kalin Kolev is an associate professor at Zicklin School of Business at Baruch College (Department of Accountancy).
Prior to that, he served on the faculty of the Yale School of Management. Dr. Kolev received his PhD from the Stern School of Business at NYU in 2009. To date, his teaching efforts focus primarily on financial accounting and reporting. Prof. Kolev’s research interests similarly canvas topics in financial accounting and reporting, with an emphasis on recurring and non-recurring fair value measurement, drivers and effects of reporting choices, and risk.
Dr. Kolev has become an integral and valuable part of the editorial board team.
His expertise in the field and comments provided on numerous submissions are highly appreciated. He has previously been awarded a Virtus Interpress distinguished reviewer certificate.