Feedback from Editorial Board Members & Reviewers
Publishing House “Virtus Interpress” continues to implement it’s transparency policy in terms of communication with external reviewers and editorial board members of the journals. This time we would like to publish some new pieces of feedback of the reviewers and editorial board members of the journal of “Risk Governance and Control: Financial Markets & Institutions” and “Corporate Board: role, duties and composition” journal.
The comments are available below:
Feedback from the Editorial board members of Corporate Board: role, duties and composition:
Bartolomé Pascual Fuster (Universidad de las Islas Baleares, Spain): I had sufficient time to do the revision, I could get the article and the template for the reviewer report properly, and the contact with the editorial team was correct.
Monica Veneziani (Università degli Studi di Brescia, Italy): I think that the journal Corporate Board: role, duties and composition represents a very good opportunity for publishing in important topics like Corporate Governance. The authors have the possibility to know, in a short time, the decision to accept or reject their papers compared to other journals. I think that the review template is good for helping the authors to improve their paper. The editorial team is always available, competent and punctual in the communication with referees and authors.
Themistokles Lazarides (Technological Institute of West Macedonia, Greece): It is always challenging to review a paper. The cooperation with the editor, the quality of the paper, the fact that there are deadlines, etc. are some of them. Virtus Interpress provide a framework of cooperation that evolves continuously and becomes better with each passing year. It is always a pleasure to review papers for the Journals of Virtus Interpess because they respect the reviewer, the author/s, and they strive for excellence.
Feedback from the external reviewer of Corporate Board: role, duties and composition:
Bashar H. Malkawi (College of Law, University of Sharjah, UAE): The Journal "Corporate Board: role, duties and composition" represents a specialized journal that focuses on important element in corporate law namely corporate boards or management. Peer review plays important role in ensuring quality publications. The journal "Corporate Board: role, duties and composition" utilizes rigorous anonymous refereeing process. External reviewers are asked to score the submission in various categories, and to provide comments and recommendations for both the Editors and for the author(s). Based on the outcome of the external review, submissions may be (a) accepted without revision, (b) provisionally accepted, with additional revision required, or (c) rejected. Very few articles are accepted without any revisions. The refereeing process normally takes around 3 weeks which ensures timely revision and publication, if applicable. The whole submission, refereeing, and publication process makes "Corporate Board: role, duties and composition" publication of high quality and attractive to authors and readers alike.
Feedback from the external reviewers of Risk Governance and Control: Financial Markets & Institutions:
Monomita Nandy (Brunel University London, the UK): I am happy with the journal. The quality of the paper and the turnaround time is very good. Researchers targeting your journal will definitely be benefited by quality and timely feedback. I am not in a position to comment about the availability of reviewers report.
Hakan Tunahan (Sakarya Business School, Turkey): It was my first experience to be in peer-review process of Risk Governance and Control journal. I always believe that this process is the quality assurance system for science. I appreciate the journal team regarding the communication and efficient review process. I would be glad to be a reviewer again for new researches.