Governance & Accountability Institute, Inc. (USA)

Governance & Accountability Institute, Inc. is a strategies, research and advisory firm focused on sustainability and corporate responsibility, and related topics and issues. Our work helps the leadership of private, public and social sector organizations recognize understand and address critical ESG performance factors that increasingly affect and shape reputation, collaboration, valuation and public perception. This in turn helps leaders build more sustainable organizations.
G&A’s work is based on extensive research. The firm is the exclusive Data Partner for the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) in the U.S.A., U.K. and the Republic of Ireland. More than 1,000 sustainability reports published by publicly-traded and privately owned companies, public sector agencies, universities, NGOs, and other organizations are analyzed each year.
Much of G&A’s research is publicly-available. The extensive research on organizational disclosure and reporting forms a comprehensive body of knowledge that is used for customized research. The publicly available information is available at: <>
The Institute collaborates with such organizations as: Bloomberg, LP; RepRisk; MSCI; IW Financial; CDP; GRI; UN PRI; UN Global Compact; and others. Staff are members of the New York Society of Securities Analysts, and the Sustainable Investment Research Analyst Network (SIRAN), part of
the US Forum for Sustainable & Responsible Investment (US SIF). G&A Institute is a member company of SIF.
Services for clients include: Customized Research; ESG Counseling & Strategies Suggestions; Third Party Awards & Recognitions Programs; Benchmarking & Peer Analysis; Corporate Sustainability & Responsibility Reporting; Team Building & Training; Customized ESG & CR Issues Monitoring; Stakeholder Identification, Monitoring & Engagement.
Contact Information:
845 Third Avenue, Suite 644, 6th Floor
New York, New York 10022
646-430-8230 <>
Hank Boerner - Chairman
Louis D. Coppola, Executive VP and Director of Research Programs