Honor, Conscience and Nobility: CRS project of Virtus Interpress
It is not an accident that the web page of the Publishing house “Virtus Interpress” contains slogan of three key-words: Honor, Conscience and Nobility. They are 3 words depicting the essence of the Japanese warriors whose example can teach modern society how to obtain and keep reputation and Name.
We believe that young people have to be taught these principles, to respect them and follow their own Way. That’s why we decided to support local Kendo club for children and adults and shared this information with our colleagues and friends in Japan.
We are very grateful to Prof. Kimie Harada from Chuo University, Japan who received our information with great attention and decided to join this charitable project. She found in Japan and sent to Sumy (with her own funds) several sets of armor and traditional clothes for kids, who study kendo in Sumy, Ukraine.
Kids received these gifts with great gratitude and gratefulness. You may see pictures from their recent practices below. We also received messages from our other colleagues in Japan who plan to join the projects, so we hope that more kids in Ukraine will have an opportunity to study kendo and follow the Way.
To get more information about the project please visit this page.