Impressions from the conference in Leipzig
During the International Conference “Reporting, Investor Relations, Capital Markets – Challenges and Opportunities in Financial Communication” in Leipzig we’ve provided to some of the participants our “impressions book” where we usually collect feedback of the participants of our conferences. We are glad to publish these impressions on the web page of the conference.
We would like to say many thanks to all presenters and attendees for their participation and kind comments about our conference.
You may find some photos of the feedback written in our book here. Those written impressions vere received from:
- Richard L. Mertens, University of Breme, Chair of Finance, Germany
- Chiara De Amicis, Cass Business School, London City University, UK
- Jörn Obermann, Leuphana University, Lüneburg, Germany
- Olga Bogachek, Bocconi University, Milan, Italy
- Philip Kettelhodt, Roland Berger, Germany
- Yokna Karoui, University of Manouba, Tunisia
- Konstantinos Sergakis, University of Glasgow, UK