Journals of Virtus Interpress in Ulrichsweb: Global Serials Directory
We would like to remind our authors and their librarians that information about journals of Virtus Interpress can be found at Ulrichsweb: Global Serials Directory.
Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory is the library directory and database providing information about popular and academic magazines, scientific journals, newspapers and other serial publications.
The print version has been published since 1932, and was founded by Carolyn Ulrich, chief of the periodicals division of the New York Public Library as Periodicals Directory: A Classified Guide to a Selected List of Current Periodicals Foreign and Domestic.
It is now also supplied on-line as Ulrichsweb, which provides web-based and Z39.50 linking to library catalogs. The online version includes over 300,000 active and current periodicals.