Key note speech overview for the conference in Milan

Professor Alex Kostyuk, Chairman of the International Center for Banking and Corporate Governance is going to give a key-note speech at the conference in Milan in May 2014 on the following topic: Independent directorship: a separate issue or a complex paradigm? Where did we come to a stand?
Directors’ independence is a story coming from the 80th of the XX century. That time it was a great deal made by shareholders, companies’ management and regulators. That time it was a great support toward the confidence of various stakeholders in the power of corporate governance. Much changed since that time. Financial crisis happened in 2008 stressed the essentials of the concept of directors’ independence. Many companies which boards were majorly resided by independent directors went bankrupts. Others suffered remarkably impacted by the crises. Obviously, the concept of directors’ independence should be entirely advanced. What are the ways of such advancement? What is the profile of the new concept should be? Are companies and regulators ready to implement the new, advanced components of the concept? All above mentioned questions are going to be answered by Alex Kostyuk when delivering his key-note speech at the conference in Milan on May 8, 2014. You are welcome to attend and discuss this complex issue at place!
To know more about the key-note speakers please visit this page.