Most cited papers published in the journal "Corporate Board: role, duties and composition"

Following the thematic collections of papers, published in the journal "Corporate Board: role, duties and composition", the editorial team of the journal decided to publish the list of papers that other researchers regarded as most valuable. The list was selected based on the number of citations of the papers according to Google Scholar. The papers cover a wide range of topics belonging to the scope of the journal, from corporate governance to different aspects of board effectiveness.
We recommend our readers to browse the list and use the papers in the future research. All papers are available in the open access and “how to cite” information is provided on the page of each paper:
- Gabrielsson, J., & Huse, M. (2005). “Outside” directors in SME boards: A call for theoretical reflections. Corporate Board: role, duties and composition, 1(1), 28-37.
- Collin, S.-O. (2008). The boards functional emphasis - A contingency approach. Corporate Board: role, duties and composition, 4(2), 24-39.
- Akhtaruddin, M., & Rouf, M. A. (2012). Corporate governance, cultural factors and voluntary disclosure: Evidence from selected companies in Bangladesh. Corporate Board: role, duties and composition, 8(1), 48-61.
- Yusoff, W. F. W. & Amrstrong, A. (2011). What competencies should directors possess? Malaysia perspective. Corporate Board: role, duties and composition, 7(2), 7-15.
- Turnbull, S. (2005). Why Anglo corporations should not be trusted: And how they could be trusted. Corporate Board: role, duties and composition, 1(1), 10-17.
- Zelechowski, D. D., & Bilimoria, D. (2006). Characteristics of CEOs and corporate boards with women inside directors. Corporate Board: role, duties and composition, 2(2), 14-21.
- Bouaziz, Z., & Triki, M. (2012). The impact of the board of directors on the financial performance of Tunisian companies. Corporate Board: role, duties and composition, 8(3), 6-21.
- Nerantzidis, M., Filos, J., & Lazarides, T. (2012). The puzzle of corporate governance definition(s): A content analysis. Corporate Board: role, duties and composition, 8(2), 15-23.
- Chouaibi, J., Boujelbene, Y., & Affes, H. (2009). Characteristics of the board of directors and involvement in innovation activities: A cognitive perspective. Corporate Board: role, duties and composition, 5(3), 34-44.
- Chi, W., Hsu, C.-Y., & Lin, W.-Y. (2008). Board effectiveness: Investigating payment asymmetry between board members and shareholders. Corporate Board: role, duties and composition, 4(1), 6-23.
- Meyer, E., & de Wet, J. H. v. H. (2013). The impact of board structure on the financial performance of listed South African companies. Corporate Board: role, duties and composition, 9(3), 18-31.
- Meier, H. H., & Meier, N. C. (2013). Corporate governance: An examination of U.S. and European models. Corporate Board: role, duties and composition, 9(2), 6-11.
- Santen, B., & Donker, H. (2009). Board diversity in the perspective of financial distress: Empirical evidence from the Netherlands. Corporate Board: role, duties and composition, 5(2), 23-35.
- Graf, A., & Stiglbauer, M. (2009). Board size and firm operating performance: Evidence from Germany. Corporate Board: role, duties and composition, 5(1), 37-47.
- Guerra, S., Fischmann, A., & Machado Filho, C. A. P. (2008). An agenda for board research. Corporate Board: role, duties and composition, 4(1), 50-56.
- Giovinco, A. (2014). Gender diversity in the boardroom. Context and Spanish case. Corporate Board: role, duties and composition, 10(3), 60-76.
- Shehata, N. F. (2013). How could board diversity influence corporate disclosure? Corporate Board: role, duties and composition, 9(3), 42-49.
- Muttakin, M. B., & Ullah, Md. S. (2012). Corporate governance and bank performance: Evidence from Bangladesh. Corporate Board: role, duties and composition, 8(1), 62-68.
- Franzoni, S. (2009). International comparison of the remuneration system disclosure. Corporate Board: role, duties and composition, 5(2), 16-22.
- Kostyuk, A. N., Koverga, V., & Kostyuk, H. V. (2006). Board size and composition: The main tradeoffs. Corporate Board: role, duties and composition, 2(1), 48-54.