New Members of the VGCCG
We are delighted to greet new members of the Virtus Global Center for Corporate Governance in our team. This time five researchers, representing British, European, Scandinavian and Asian universities added their field of research and experience to the profile of the center. New members of the center conduct research in the fields of audit, dividend policy, corporate restructuring, capital markets, general corporate governance, corporate law, risk management, sustainability:
- Meziane Lasfer, Cass Business School, City University, UK;
- Marc Steffen Rapp, Universität Marburg,School of Business & Economics & Marburg Centre for Institutional Economic, Germany;
- Wolf-Georg Ringe, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark;
- Idoya Ferrero Ferrero, Universitat Jaume I, Spain;
- Jayalakshmy Ramachandran, School of Business, The University of Nottingham, Malaysia.