New issue of the Corporate Governance and Organizational Behavior Review journal

The editorial team of Virtus Interpress is happy to release a new issue (special issue) of volume 8 of the journal Corporate Governance and Organizational Behavior Review. We hope this issue will enable the readers to outline the new and most challenging issues of research in corporate governance and organizational behavior.
The current issue includes a number of useful scholarly papers that investigate such topics as corporate governance, organizational culture, corporate social responsibility (CSR), financial inclusion, environmental performance, employee performance, service quality, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), social commerce, artificial intelligence (AI), audit, fraud, green human resource management, green innovation, innovation, economic growth, human capital development, innovation policies, economic development, innovative behaviour, market performance, risk management, firm performance, agency theory, work-life balance, financial well-being, turnover intention, and others.
The full issue of the journal is available at the following link .
Ananda Setiawan and Faisal Faisal analyse the connections between financial literacy, social philanthropy functions, and IFI through the case study of 56 Islamic banks listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange during the 2015 to 2021 period. The study measures Islamic CSR as viewed based on two approaches: financial literacy and social philanthropy functions.
Fajar Purwanto, Slamet Riyadi, and I Dewa Ketut Raka Ardiana examine the influence of eco-conscious transformational leadership and organizational culture on environmental outcomes in the context of East Java’s SME industry. It investigates the mediating factors of green human resource management (HRM) and sustainable innovation.
Pham Thi Thuy Van, Luc Manh Hien, and Quang Vinh Nguyen explore employee engagement in the hotel industry. The study aims to apply the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP) method to evaluate the priority of factors that constitute employee engagement with hotels.
Emmanuel Ejiroghene Aruoren, Mohammed Igemohia, and Fidelia Igemohia emphasize the role of psychological empowerment in preventing incivility in the workplace. Their study investigated whether psychological empowerment mediated the link between employees’ task performance and co-worker incivility.
Pranesh Debnath and Barnali Paul investigate the status and determinants of financial inclusion among 212 rural households in Northeast India. The study further identifies income, education, standard of living, and profession as significant determinants of financial inclusion among rural households, while demographic variables, like religion, have no impact.
Astri Rumondang Banjarnahor, Sri Murni Setyawati, and Ade Irma Anggraeni aim to analyse the benefits of using social media and the intention to buy back at the same online store to improve the performance of SMEs.
The research by Manh Hung Hoang, Nhu Trang Nguyen, Manh Dung Tran, Phi Truong Dang, Van Khoi Pham, and Thi Hoa Loan Vo primarily focuses on assessing the impact of digital skills on the future career decisions of young rural laborers, a group typically at a disadvantage concerning skills and professional qualifications when compared to their urban counterparts.
Sofia Ramos, Jose A. Perez-Lopez, and Rute Abreu identify trends in AI in auditing and fraud detection using a combination of two methods: a bibliometric and a systematic review of AI trends in auditing in fraud detection. This research develops a bibliometric analysis of 1,348 papers on “fraud”, “auditing”, and “artificial intelligence” from 1986 to 2022.
The study by Danilo C. Diotay, Mark Doblas, and Stephen Chellakan examines the intricate relationship between investment in research, development, and innovation and a nation’s gross domestic product, with a specific focus on understanding how technical and vocational education and training performance moderates this association.
Nadia Abdelhamid Abdelmegeed Abdelwahed and Bahadur Ali Soomro predict the impact of leadership on innovative behaviour directly and indirectly through organizational culture in Egypt’s construction industry, targeting project managers.
Mugove Mashingaidze, Maxwell Agabu Phiri, and More Chinakidzwa aim to determine the influence of opportunity vigilance, customer centricity, value creation and risk management on the market performance of small retailers in a developing economy.
Peter Chi Wan Yip, Elvy Pang, and Tommy Tat Keung Yu examine the impact of corporate governance on firm performance within listed technology corporations in the Greater Bay Area of China, particularly in Hong Kong and Shenzhen.
Juris C. Ponio analyses the mediating effect of work-life balance on the relationship between financial well-being and intention to leave, and, additionally, investigates the possibility of job sector moderating.
We wish you a pleasant and informative reading!