New research project: "Inside Pandora’s Box"
International conference held at the Ukrainian Academy of Banking of the National Bank of Ukraine with participation of Virtus Interpress and International Center for Banking and Corporate Governance gave an impetus to a new project named as “Inside Pandora’s Box: What Explains Differences in Asian and European Bank’s Performances?”. The key goal of the project is to reveal way, in which regulation of corporate governance should take place in the bank in order to generate higher performance,
Investigation of given problematic united researchers Kozo Harimaya, Kei Tommimura (Japan); Barbara Chizzolini (Italy); Markus Stiglbauer (Germany); Alex Kostyuk, Dmitriy Govorun, Maryna Brychko, Yaroslav Mozghovyi, Yuliya Lapina (Ukraine). Results of joint research planned to present on the scientific conferences in France (Paris) in April 2013 and Ukraine (Academy of Banking, Sumy) in May 2013.