Recently published papers in journals by Virtus Interpress

We would like to present the list of recently published papers. The new articles were published in Corporate Ownership & Control journal, Corporate Board: Role, Duties and Composition, Risk Governance and Control: Financial Markets & Institutions, Journal of Governance & Regulation, and Corporate Governance and Sustainability Review.

The papers cover such topics as an assessment of corporate governance in selected financial institutions, the impact of the characteristics of the board of directors on the quality of corporate governance, of board attributes on corporate social responsibility reporting, CEO duality, board composition, independence and size, integrated management, management process, quality management system, strategic view, the impact of board structure on the performance of rural and community banks, return of assets and equity, corporate governance, non-linear response of firm investment to Tobin’s q, an influence mergers and acquisitions on company financial performance and stock market price, legal certification of accounts, statutory auditor, financial auditing, governmental accounting, sector neutrality and a possible improvement of the accounting standards, etc.

The list of the recent papers published by Virtus Interpress is available below:

  • Wood, A., & Small, K. (2019). An assessment of corporate governance in financial institutions in Barbados. Journal of Governance & Regulation, 8(1), 47-58.
  • Alanazi, A. S. (2019). Corporate governance and the characteristics of the board of directors: Evidence from an emerging market. Corporate Board: Role, Duties and Composition, 15(1), 17-24.
  • Marinello, V., & Dinicolò, G. L. M. (2019). Integrated management systems between evolutionary routes and management process. Corporate Ownership & Control, 16(2), 60-66.
  • Sackey, F. G., Yeboah, P. K., & Owusu, J. D. A. (2019). Impact of board structure on the performance of rural and community banks in the emerging economy context. Corporate Board: Role, Duties and Composition, 15(1), 33-42.
  • Kallandranis, C. (2019). Non-linear response of firm investment to q: Evidence from Greek listed firms. Risk Governance and Control: Financial Markets & Institutions, 9(1), 53-63.
  • Shaban, O. S., Al-Hawatma, Z., & Abdallah, A. A. (2019). Mergers and acquisitions in Jordan: Its motives and influence on company financial performance and stock market price. Corporate Ownership & Control, 16(2), 67-72.
  • Ferreira, J. V. (2019). Corporate governance structures in the context of cooperative banking. Corporate Governance and Sustainability Review, 3(1), 25-41.
  • Marsigalia, B., & Giovannini, R. (2019). Sector neutrality: A possible improvement of the accounting standards. Evidence from NZ model. Corporate Ownership & Control, 16(2), 73-82.

We hope this list will help our readers and scholars to discover new interesting research and, as always, find more information devoted to a certain topic within the scope of corporate governance.