Recently published papers in journals by Virtus Interpress

The editorial team of Virtus Interpress would like to present a list of papers recently published in the journals Corporate Ownership & Control, Risk Governance and Control: Financial Markets & Institutions, Journal of Governance & Regulation, Corporate Governance and Sustainability Review, Corporate Governance and Organizational Behavior Review, Corporate Law & Governance Review, and Corporate & Business Strategy Review.

The recently published papers provide a deep analysis of such crucial issues as corporate governance, business performance, firm performance, financial performance, rural banks, commercial banks, tax amnesty, tax avoidance, tax planning, tax disclosure, corporate social responsibility, transparency, audit quality, audit fees, non-audit service fees, audit firm tenure, mandatory auditor rotation, audit market concentration, gender diversity, strategic decision-making, risk-taking, responsibility accounting, accounting information system, mergers and acquisitions, circular economy, economy development, executive compensation, board of directors, foreign direct investment, investment banking, institutional inventors, financial behavior, fintech, working capital, human resources development, labor migrants, labor market, migration policy, digital transformation strategy, artificial intelligence, ChatGPT, cybersecurity, supply chain management, fraud triangle, financial statement fraud, state government, trade integration, etc.

The full list of the recent papers published by Virtus Interpress is available below:

  • Meuthen, M. H. (2025). Auditor rotation behavior in Germany. Corporate Ownership & Control, 22(1), 159–168.
  • Kyriazopoulos, G. (2025). Financial behavior decision for mergers and acquisitions in European financial institutions after the COVID-19 pandemic [Special issue]. Risk Governance & Control: Financial Markets & Institutions, 15(1), 249–258.
  • Dang, T.-Q., Tran, T. T., Nguyen, M. T., Nguyen, L.-T., & Duc, D. T. V. (2025). Unlocking impulsive travel decisions through short video platforms: The empirical study from Generation Z. Corporate Governance and Organizational Behavior Review, 9(1), 29–39.
  • Alma’arif, Maksum, I. R., & Lutfi, A. (2025). In decentralization we trust: 24 years of research on decentralization governance and the future of the research agenda. Corporate Law & Governance Review, 7(2), 8–20.
  • Song, R. (2025). Impact of One Belt One Road strategic initiative on economic well-being and international trade integration: The South Asian case [Special issue]. Corporate & Business Strategy Review, 6(1), 430–438.
  • Rahayu, D. V. R. W., & Widuri, R. (2025). Artificial neural network methodology in financial statements fraud: An empirical study in the property and real estate sector [Special issue]. Risk Governance & Control: Financial Markets & Institutions, 15(1), 237–248.
  • Elfeituri, H., & Alokla, J. (2025). The Worldwide Governance Indicators, corporate governance mechanisms, and financial performance of FTSE 100 in the UK. Corporate Ownership & Control, 22(1), 148–158.
  • Chizhov, A., & Fesenko, A. (2025). Web hosting companies’ client solutions: A study of a strategic standpoint [Special issue]. Corporate & Business Strategy Review, 6(1), 421–429.
  • Spagnuolo, F. (2025). Circular economy and M&A: How target firms’ sustainable orientation shapes due diligence dynamics? Corporate Ownership & Control, 22(1), 139–147.
  • Dang, T. A., Ho, M. H., Nguyen, T. T. H., & Pham, T. K. Y. (2025). Factors affecting the strategy of responsibility accounting implementation in manufacturing enterprises [Special issue]. Corporate & Business Strategy Review, 6(1), 412–420.
  • Osmani, J., & Doda, S. (2025). Gender diversity: Are women at the strategic level less risk-taking than men? [Special issue]. Risk Governance & Control: Financial Markets & Institutions, 15(1), 226–236.
  • Kordisch, J., & Quick, R. (2025). The influence of audit quality indicators on the quality of forecast reporting in group management reports. Corporate Ownership & Control, 22(1), 125–138.
  • Ferhani, B. (2025). Leadership and business ethics: A conceptual framework for responsible management. Corporate Ownership & Control, 22(1), 111–124.
  • Syafii, Chandrarin, G., & Zuhroh, D. (2025). The influence of tax planning and corporate social responsibility against tax disclosure. Corporate Governance and Sustainability Review, 9(1), 86–93.
  • Akpan, M. (2025). Have we reached artificial general intelligence? Comparison of ChatGPT, Claude, and Gemini to human literacy and education benchmarks. Corporate Ownership & Control, 22(1), 103–110.
  • Abdulkareem, A. M., Krmln, N. Q., Daham, F. M., Vasani, S., Swadi, M. A., & Faris, Y. Y. (2025). An empirical examination of working capital management strategy in paper manufacturing companies [Special issue]. Corporate & Business Strategy Review, 6(1), 402–411.
  • Al-Hmesat, M. M., Albloush, A., Lasassmeh, O., Albuainai, E. S. A., Al Graibeh, A.M. A., & Altarawneh, H. M. (2025). The impact of digital transformation strategy on human resource development in commercial banks [Special issue]. Risk Governance & Control: Financial Markets & Institutions, 15(1), 215–225.
  • Jaya, T. E., Zarkasyi, M. W., Koeswayo, P. S., & Liberty, P. M. J. (2025). Direct and indirect influence of corporate governance on aggressive tax avoidance and participation in the tax amnesty program [Special issue]. Journal of Governance & Regulation, 14(1), 433–441.
  • Mamaiev, D. (2025). Labor migration regulation from Ukraine to the European Union: Recent flow dynamics of Ukrainian citizens [Special issue]. Journal of Governance & Regulation, 14(1), 424–432.
  • Sunarta, I. N., Astuti, P. D., & Suidarma, I. M. (2025). Accounting information and business performance: The strategic role of human capital and user satisfaction [Special issue]. Corporate & Business Strategy Review, 6(1), 392–401.
  • Yang, Y., Abd. Rahman, A., Abdan, K., Aziz Abdul, Y., & Li, Y. (2025). The application of organizational information processing theory in supply chain management strategy research: A bibliometric review [Special issue]. Corporate & Business Strategy Review, 6(1), 378–391.
  • Tahvildari, M. (2025). Analysis of investment opportunities in the gaming stock market using social trading [Special issue]. Risk Governance & Control: Financial Markets & Institutions, 15(1), 204–214.

We hope this list of papers will help our readers and scholarly network to discover new interesting research and, as always, find more information devoted to a certain topic within the scope of corporate governance.