Risk Governance & Control: Financial Markets & Institutions - Call For Papers
We would like to draw attention of the experts in theoretical and empirical studies in risk governance and control with application to financial markets and institutions that international peer reviewed journal Risk Governance & Control: Financial Markets & Institutions announces call for papers for the 3rd issue (spring) of the journal in 2017.
Important dates:
- It is expected that the journal issue will be published by July 15th 2017.
- The deadline for submissions is April 15th 2017.
We encourage empirical and conceptual papers in the following areas:
- Risk governance and control in the private and public sectors;
- Finance, financial pricing, financial management;
- Economics of employee benefits, pension plans;
- Insurance and insurance regulation;
- Asymmetric information, moral hazard, and adverse selection;
- Econometric, actuarial, and statistical methodology;
- Stock market development and risks;
- Currency market development and risks;
- Market for banks development and risks;
- Financial innovations;
- Risk capital allocation and risk budgeting;
- Impact of risk measurement on portfolio allocation;
- Theoretical development of alternative risk measures;
- Hedging (linear and non-linear) under alternative risk measures;
- Credit risk and its valuation.
For instructions for the authors http://virtusinterpress.org/Instructions-to-Authors.html.
The submissions should be sent as Ms Word files to the co-Editor in Chief of the journal – Dr. Yulia Lapina at yu.h.lapina@virtusinterpress.org.