Special Issue of Corporate Board: Role, Duties and Composition Journal
Publishing House “Virtus Interpress” and Editorial Board of the Scopus indexed Corporate Board: role, duties and composition journal announce special issue of the journal devoted to the compensation and reporting issues.
We experience growing interest from the researchers from different countries to this topic to publish their research within the scope of the Journal and decided to devote the whole special issue to this problem.
We will have an opportunity to gather in one issue distinguished papers on the topic which will bring higher attention of the readers and other researchers and help to increase visibility of the papers published in the issue.
We expect special issue to be published by January 2017. Deadline for papers submission is October 20th, 2016.
Papers can be submitted to the Co-editor of the Special Issue, Yulia Lapina at yu.h.lapina[at]virtusinterpress.org. Interested authors can also use mentioned contacts for any additional queries.