The selection of articles on shareholder activism

The following selection of papers from our journals has been prepared by the editorial team in order to help our readers and scholars pursuing research in this field find more information devoted to the topic of “shareholder activism”.
- Belcredi, M., Bozzi, S., Ciavarella, A., & Novembre, V. (2017). Institutional investors’ activism under concentrated ownership and the role of proxy advisors. Evidence from the Italian say-on-pay. Corporate Ownership & Control, 14(4), 41-57.
- Bassen, A., Schiereck, D., & Thamm, C. (2016). Activist shareholders and the duration of supervisory board membership: evidence for the German Aufsichtsra. Corporate Ownership & Control, 13(2-3), 521-531.
- Moyo, T., Davies, S. E. H., & Joubert, E. (2015). Corporate social responsibility and organisational performance of a professional football club in South Africa. Corporate Ownership & Control, 13(1-5), 605-613. http:/ /
- Raja, K., & Kostyuk, A. (2015). Perspectives and obstacles of the shareholder activism implementation: A comparative analysis of civil and common law systems. Corporate Ownership & Control, 13(1-5), 520-533.
- De Falco, S. E., Cucari, N., & Sorrentino, E. (2016). Voting dissent and corporate governance structures: The role of say on pay in a comparative analysis. Corporate Ownership & Control, 13(4-1), 188-197.
- Kokkinis, A. (2014). Shareholder short-termism in the UK: The kay review and the potential role of corporate law. Corporate Ownership & Control, 11(3-1), 166-174.
- Safiullah, Md. (2016). Board governance, ownership structure and financing decisions in emerging market. Corporate Ownership & Control, 13(3-2), 355-365.
- Diez Esteban, J. M. López-de-Foronda, Ó. (2008). Dividends and institutional investor’s activism: pressure resistant or pressure sensitive? Corporate Ownership & Control, 6(1), 38-43.
- Gnutti, A. H., Martin, J. D, &. Ramsey, J. D. (2014). Predicting corporate voting outcomes for shareholder sponsored proposals. Corporate Ownership & Control, 12(1-8), 742-758.
- Bruno, S. (2015). Legal rules, shareholders and corporate governance. The European shareholder rights’ directive and its impact on corporate governance of Italian listed companies: The telecom S.P.A. case. Corporate Ownership & Control, 12(2-3), 394-398.
- Kruse, T. A., Suzuki, K. (2009). Has the threat of a takeover improved the management of target firms? An analysis of firms in which M&A consulting, japan’s first hostile bidder, acquired stakes. Corporate Ownership & Control, 7(2), 137-145.
- Ong, S. E., Petrova, M., & Spieler, A. C. (2010). Shareholder activism and director retirement plans repeals. Corporate Ownership & Control, 7(3-1), 193-209.
- Van der Elst, C. (2011). Shareholder activism in good and bad economic times. Corporate Ownership & Control, 8(2), 32- 43.
- Jansson, A. (2014). No exit!: The logic of defensive shareholder activism. Corporate Board: role, duties and composition, 10(2), 16-31.
- Ahmad, M., Ahmed, B. and Badar, M. (2017). Determinants of capital structure and its impact on corporate governance: An emerging market empirical study. Corporate Governance and Sustainability Review, 1(1), 17-32.