To our friends and partners worldwide about events in Ukraine

Dear colleagues and friends worldwide!

We know that there are thousands of you in many countries in the world. We address this message to you as we are citizens of Ukraine – a free, independent country, a country we are proud to call our Motherland.

We know that during last few days you observe all events happening in Ukraine. Therefore, we come with our official position concerning the situation.

First, we entirely regret about many our co-citizens killed by the state armed troops by the date. We are absolutely sure that there is nothing more important than the human life and all including the state authorities should keep in mind.

Second, we do not think that state authorities are legitimate to order the armed troops to shot the people for dead. Neither God nor Constitution of Ukraine provides the state authorities with this right. If this right is grasped by the state authorities themselves the people of Ukraine with reference to the God will and the national Constitution will not recognize these state authorities as legitimate.

Third, the state authorities can negotiate with the people only in peace. These days in Ukraine the state authorities do not act peacefully, therefore these are not worth of been granted a state power by the people of Ukraine any more. We hope that the state men in power will have wisdom to realize this themselves.

Fourth, European and world leaders have to recognize that from now the state authorities of Ukraine are not worth of their respect and appreciation. The people of Ukraine are worth of being respected and appreciated by leaders worldwide. We address these words to the world leaders and the rest people worldwide – do listen to the people of Ukraine and negotiate with them as free people, citizens of the independent country Ukraine!