"Transparency and Accountability" Academic Program
Publishing house “Virtus Interpress” makes one more step toward the academic and research community. We assume all responsibility on improving transparency and accountability of the corporate world regarding its theory and practice of corporate governance. One of the instruments to reach the above objective is to get the academics to be on the forefront of the latest trends in the corporate governance research. Thus, we do our utmost to prepare an electronic archive of full-text papers published in the journal Corporate Ownership and Control during years 2003, 2004 and 2005. This archive includes 10 issues of the journal and consists of more than 130 full-text papers exclusively on corporate governance.
All users of the archive have a chance to get an access to the most comprehensive database of corporate governance papers sorted as much as possible. There are more than 20 papers on board of director practices worldwide, 30 papers on corporate ownership and control, 20 papers on executive compensation, 20 papers on corporate governance in financial companies, and many other interesting corporate governance issues.
The archive covers many national corporate governance practices. There are full-text papers exploring corporate governance practices in such countries as the USA, UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Australia, Canada, Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Thailand, Taiwan, Indonesia, Korea, China, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Kuwait, UAE, Israel, Poland, Russia, Ukraine and many others. In a whole, there are papers on corporate governance in 38 countries of the world.
Moreover, the archive contains very detailed case studies of corporate governance, including the most remarkable such as Enron and Parmalat. We offer you more than 10 case studies explored by outstanding experts in corporate governance.
Price of archive is USD58. All those who are interested in purchasing the archive make the check payable to Dr. Alexander Kostyuk and sent it at:
Kirova Str. 146/1, 20
Sumy 40021
For additional information, please, contact Dr. Alexander Kostyuk for more information at our contacts page.