Upcoming Book Announcement - Challenges and Opportunities in Italian Corporate Governance

In May 2018, Virtus Interpress initiated a new book project "Challenges and Opportunities in Italian Corporate Governance".

The main purpose of this book is to analyze the Italian corporate governance from a different perspective (accounting, management, finance, law), also making comparisons with the international context. Therefore, it is useful to show and identify best practices for the Italian firms in this new scenario and updating them, as to tackle the new challenges and to seize the opportunities raised by the evolution of capital markets and corporate practices. This book is a concise and authoritative guide to researchers and professionals and it wants to offer many ideas for discussion, focusing on some more general issues, related to the role that corporate governance can play for the purposes of company and society. It will include relevant theoretical frameworks and the latest empirical research findings in the area.

We are glad to announce that the book is currently on the stage of typesetting and will be published as a hardcover in August, 2019.

"Challenges and Opportunities in Italian Corporate Governance" includes views of 15 contributing teams (overall, 40 contributors) from Italy on the main issues of the national corporate governance and its fundamental aspects:

  • Federico Alvino, Luigi Lepore, Sabrina Pisano, Gabriella D’Amore - Corporate ownership structure and the effectiveness of the corporate governance statement in Italian companies;
  • Loris Landriani, Assunta Di Vaio, Alberto Celio, Carmela Di Guida - Port governance reform and financial performance: Evidence from Italy;
  • Stefania Migliori, Hussain Muhammad, Francesco Paolone, Francesco De Luca - The effect of corporate governance on the relationship between capital structure and firm performance;
  • Giorgia Profumo, Lara Penco - Ownership structure and corporate governance mechanisms of Italian medium-sized listed firms;
  • Paolo Tenuta, Domenico Rocco Cambrea - Women directors in the board of Italian listed companies: A review of ten years’ experience;
  • Fabio Bianconi, Sabrina Bruno, Francesco Surace - One-tier model and list of candidates submitted by the outgoing board in Italy: Better corporate governance or just xenophilia?;
  • Francesca Cappellieri, Nicola Moscariello, Michele Pizzo - Determinants of minority shareholders’ representativeness in the board of directors of Italian listed companies;
  • Nicola Cucari, Marco Pellicano, Salvatore Esposito De Falco - New research agenda for Italian corporate governance model: A shareholder engagement perspective;
  • Francesco Drigo - The engagement obligation of the institutional investors, from the Italian perspective;
  • Catello Giovanni Landi, Valerio Rapone, Danilo Tuccillo - Ethical bridge between firms and investors: The role of corporate social responsibility on stock exchange market;
  • Beatrice Orlando, Antonio Renzi, Giuseppe Sancetta - Innovation and familiness: The moderating role of altruism;
  • Bernardino Quattrociocchi, Francesco Mercuri, Mario Calabrese - Corporate social responsibility and integrated reporting: Limits and opportunities;
  • Giuliana Birindelli, Helen Chiappini, Giorgio Horeczko - Chief risk officer’s characteristics: Italian listed banks versus G-SIBs;
  • Rosaria Cerrone - New developments and insights about corporate governance and risk governance in Italian banks;
  • Pierluigi Martino - Banks’ material risk takers (MRTs) remuneration practices under the new EU regulation: A comparison at European level.

The book will be edited by Prof. Salvatore Esposito De Falco, Sapienza University of Rome; Prof. Federico Alvino, Parthenope University of Naples; Dr. Nicola Cucari, University of Salerno; Prof. Luigi Lepore, Parthenope University of Naples.

Please, address all your questions about this project to book manager - Kate Huryna at k.huryna[at]virtusinterpress.org.

Pay online here if you would like to pre-order the abovementioned book. Price of the book equals Euro 98.