Virtus Scholar Platform Statistics Report

The team of Virtus Interpress is happy to present the report on the main indicators of our Virtus Scholar Statistics Platform for the last 4 years.

The platform provides the key statistical data of the papers published in our journals. It is an important factor for our authors with regard to the paper’s citation, views and readability, etc. The Platform Statistics is a part of our Open Access policy.

This statistics is divided into 2 parts: Article Views Statistics (views data counts starts from March 2017) and Geographical Statistics (downloads data counts starts from August 2018).

This current report presents a summary of the main indicators and is divided into following sections: geographical statistics, journal views, top-10 articles by number of views, and top-10 articles advised by the editors.

The Virtus Scholar Platform Statistics Report may be viewed and downloaded here.

We are constantly updating the platform and keeping our international scholarly network informed on the changes in our Virtus Scholar Statistics Platform.