Volume 14, Issue 2 (continued 1) of the Journal "Corporate Ownership and Control" is now fully open-access
The editorial team of the publishing house “Virtus Interpress” is glad to inform that Volume 14, Issue 2 (continued 1) of the Journal "Corporate Ownership and Control" is now fully open-access.
Therefore, from now on all visitors of our website are able to download all papers published in Volume 14, Issue 2 (continued 1), 2017 of the Corporate Ownership and Control journal for free.
These are papers authored by scholars from Germany, Italy, Greece, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Tunisia etc.
The papers explore issues of credit ratings, IPO, Dow Jones sustainability index, earnings management (discretionary accruals), institutional ownership, Islamic financial system, outsourcing, socially responsible banks, management accounting, intellectual capital, business performance models, evaluation and incentive systems etc.
We hope that this open access collection of papers will be useful for those scholars pursuing research in the field of corporate governance.