Collaborative governance against corruption

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Mireille Chidiac El Hajj ORCID logo

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The purpose of this paper is to study the benefits of the Blockchain, if properly applied in the near future in Lebanon. It sheds light on why collaborative governance against corruption is needed. The research is built on an analysis of reports and on face to face interviews with key managers in all 14 Lebanese alpha banks. Due to the sovereign debt composition, we found out that the Blockchain technology can represent a vital tool to disrupt corruption, but the decision of implementing it, is up to the Central Bank governor. The research offers an added value as it is the first to describe the positive effects of implementing the Blockchain technology in a country that is ranked 180 out of 209 on WB’s control of corruption index.

Keywords: Blockchain, Collaborative Governance, Corruption, Smart Contract

JEL Classification: G38, H11, O33, O43

Received: 26.06.2019
Accepted: 15.07.2019

How to cite: Chidiac El Hajj, M. (2019). Collaborative governance against corruption. In S. Esposito De Falco, F. Alvino, & A. Kostyuk (Eds.), New challenges in corporate governance: Theory and practice (pp. 114-127).