Corporate Board Journal: new members of the Editorial Board
Two more prominent professors agreed to be members of the Editorial Board of the journal Corporate Board: role, duties and composition.
Dr. Jay Cullen, School of Law, the University of Sheffield, UK. Dr. Culle teaches banking and finance law, and is the assistant director of the Sheffield Institute for Corporate and Commercial Law (SICCL). His work is influenced by the economic and financial theories of Hyman Minsky. Jay is particularly interested in bank capital and liquidity regulation, and the effects of bank credit on real estate markets. He also takes an interest in bankers’ compensation and bank corporate governance. He supervises PhD students in these areas.
His work on bank leverage and corporate governance has been quoted by the Financial Times (’Tale of two banks exposes pay as wrong target of critics’). In addition, he has acted as a consultant to NGOs on EU financial regulation, and he is an associated expert at the Institute for New Economic Thinking. He is also a member of the Sustainable Market Actors Network, hosted by the Law Faculty at the University of Oslo. In the Spring of 2016, he will be a visiting scholar at Columbia University, New York, where he will undertake research into the regulation of liquidity in repo markets. His work has been presented at leading academic venues including the Institute for New Economic Thinking, Oxford University, Berkeley, and The National Institute for Economic and Social Research.
He has organised major inter-disciplinary SICCL events, including conferences on banking law and regulation (Law and Monetary Theory Conference and Law and Money 2nd Annual Conference), as well as lectures delivered by leading public figures in banking and finance (Professor Admati Public Lecture).
Dr. Laurent Germain, Head of Financial Economics Group in Toulouse Business School, France. He is a graduate of the Toulouse Business School and the Toulouse School of Economics where he did his PhD in Finance in 1997. He finished his thesis as a Visiting Research Fellow at the London Business School, where he was recruited as Assistant Professor of Finance at the Institute of Finance and Accounting at LBS. He joined TBS as Professor in 2000. He supports his HDR at Paris-Dauphine in 2005 and graduated from NYU ITP. He also teaches in the SUPAERO training at ISAE. He has lectured for several years at the ENSAE ParisTech. He was a delegate of the French Institute of Directors on Midi-Pyrenees. He was elected to the Board of Directors of the European Financial Management Association and was Europlace academic fellow of the Institute of Finance.
Laurent Germain is working on the theme of market microstructure and more recently the Corporate Governance. He has published articles in the most prestigious journals such as Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Journal of Financial Intermediation, European Financial Management, Finance, and has participated in numerous international publications. He also works on the topic of behavioral finance.
To see the complete list of the editorial board members please visit this page.