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Organisations have difficulty retaining employees who have the necessary talent, skills and knowledge to give the company a competitive edge in a global market, thus emphasising the need for organisational commitment. The objective of the study was to explore the relationship between corporate social responsibility and organisational commitment within a South African retail organisation. Corporate social responsibility has a positive influence on consumer behaviour and can contribute to corporate success because CSR activities enhance an organisation’s image. Research has indicated that corporate social responsibility is related to an employee’s commitment. The Corporate Social Responsibility Scale and the Organisational Commitment Scale were administered to a non-probability sample of 171 employees from a population of 268 employees in the human resources department of a retail company. Person’s correlation analysis was used to determine the relationship between corporate social responsibility and organisational commitment. This study provided insight into the corporate social responsibility of the organisation. Managers and practitioners in the human resources may use these findings for the development of corporate social responsibility policies and practices in order to build employee commitment.
Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Social and Non-Social Stakeholders, Organisational Commitment
How to cite this paper: Soobramoney, J., & Ledimo, O. (2016). Exploring corporate social responsibility and organisational commitment within a retail organisation. Risk governance & control: financial markets & institutions, 6(4-1), 132-140. https://doi.org/10.22495/rcgv6i4c1art3